LADIES: New Girl’s Schmidt is seeking a companion to share his lovably douchey life with.
If this newly-unearthed online dating profile of his doesn’t make you swoon, what will?
Zooey Deschanel herself posted the following video on Hey Giggles, writing, If The Hills, The Parent Trap and my worst nightmare had a baby together, this would be it. In short, MAX GREENFIELD IS A CRAZY MAD GENIUS. So, without further ado, I give you SCHMIDT’S ONLINE DATING PROFILE… from 2008.”
Watch Schmidt channel his inner Lauren Conrad in the amazing spoof below:
Max Greenfield really is a crazy mad genius. Despite being a Grade A douchebag, Schmidt is somehow a likable character unlike the Grade A d-bags you know in real life. That’s not a small feat!
The show airs a special holiday episode tomorrow night. Check out Fox’s New Girl promo!