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Nikita Season Premiere Review: Game Changed

Critic's Rating: 4.5 / 5.0

The game was definitely changed on the aptly-titled season premiere, “Game Change,” which was interestingly the name of the corrupt operation back in 2004.

Nikita and Michael are using the black box they found last season to try and bring down Division. That is about the only thing that hasn’t changed.

Downed Alex
(Mark Holzberg/The CW)

Amanda is now in charge of Division, which has supposedly cleaned up its act. Even though she had questionable motives at times last season, I really think she is trying to do the right thing. So far, I enjoy her as head of the company. Percy has finally gotten what he deserves, too: prison! Though I’m sure he will find a way to continue to manipulate the situation to his benefit. It was will be crazy ride watching Amanda and Percy working at odds. What will she have to give up to get what she needs from him?

Alex is back working as a freelancer with Division to track down the black box Nikita took. She’s teaming with Amanda in exchange for Division’s help to bring down her father’s killer. I, unfortunately, think she is misguided on how much Amanda and Division will help her. Amanda may intend to keep her promise to Alex, but does anyone believe this will end well?

While I don’t think Alex wants Nikita dead, she definitely isn’t in her corner anymore. I was relieved to see that Alex didn’t join Sean and his crew by shooting at Nikita. But, in the alley, the huge divide between the two of them was evident. What an amazing fight scene! While I don’t want to see them go at it every week, once in a while will be worth it. In the end, Nikita overstepped by breaking Alex’s arm and shooting her. Yes, she did it to get Alex out of Division, but it will most likely accomplish just the opposite.

In Her Sights
(Mark Holzberg/The CW)

New at Division is an Oversight lackey, Sean. He’s going to cause problems for both Amanda and Alex, but ultimately I’m guessing he will decide to turn against Oversight. I see him as a potential love interest for Alex – her “Michael” perhaps?

And then there is Birkhoff. How awesome were his fighter drones? I hope we see those again, even though they won’t be nearly as cool to see the second time. His rescue of Michael and Nikita, denial of helping them, and in-the-face challenge to Amanda and the Division programmers was fun to watch. Birkhoff was previously kept in his tech cave at Division, I can’t wait to see what he comes up with to help bring down Division. And, with money being no barrier, this is gonna be crazy ride!

In the past, the lines were clear – Division was bad, while Nikita and Alex were good. I’m not sure the sides are quite as obvious this season. Amanda appears to genuinely want to clean up Division and return it to its original mission of protecting the country. If that’s the case, will Oversight be the evil group that needs to be brought down rather than Division itself? Oversight showed tonight that it will use whatever means necessary to protect itself, including sacrificing one of their own.

The case of Tony Merrick was well incorporated into the episode as a means to show us everyone’s current loyalties. There was a cover-up of the original cover-up to clear him of any wrongdoing and reunite him with his son. In the end, Nikita and Michael were able to help someone from having the black box. It wasn’t enough to bring down Division or Oversight, but as Michael mentioned, one down… and only five to go.

** Check out the official promo for next Thursday’s new episode NOW.

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