As we’re all well aware, Seattle Grace as we know it will be rocked to its core tonight.
That’s because the merger with Mercy West Hospital isn’t just on the horizon, it’s really happening. And as the sneak previews showed, it’s worse than our favorite docs thought.
One of the new doctors bringing the drama. Young redhead Reed (Nora Zehetner).
TV Guide caught up with the 28-year-old Zehetner (Brick, Heroes) to get the scoop on what’s coming up. Expect a lot of fighting, new relationships and much more …
Q: Did you have fun taking on this persona unlike anything you’ve played before?
Nora Zehetner: Yeah, it’s different. It’s probably the most grown-up role I’ve had.
My friends laugh whenever I tell them I’m playing a doctor. The doctor stuff is really hard, not just the medical terminology, actually the multitasking. Doing surgeries or medical procedures while saying lines, it’s like rubbing your head and patting your tummy at the same time.

Q: Isn’t it rubbing your tummy and patting your head?
Nora Zehetner: [Laughs] You can see I would not be very good at the multitasking if I can’t even get the expression right.
Q: So tell us about Reed and the other doctors coming into Seattle Grace.
Nora Zehetner: It’s like going to a new school. It’s like two schools being merged together and you’re trying to figure out where do I fit in? You want to be the best and do the best job. We’re worried about our jobs. Reed’s very feisty and a very hardworking doctor. She’s maybe a little overeager, trying really hard.
Q: Which Seattle Grace doc would you say is similar to Reed?
Nora Zehetner: Maybe a bit like Cristina [Sandra Oh], maybe a bit like Karev [Justin Chambers]. In terms of how motivated she is, maybe Cristina. I definitely butt heads with quite a few of the characters. It’s kind of in her nature; she can be a little abrasive.
Q: Are these new doctors welcomed into the hospital?
Nora Zehetner: No, there’s enough fighting between the Seattle Grace doctors to get the best surgeries and establish their place. They’re now getting along and are more established in their roles, so to have people come in and shake that up, I don’t think we’re very welcome.
I don’t think we’re very happy to have to go into a new place and re-establish ourselves. There’s a lot of jockeying over surgeries and a lot of drama.
Q: Since there are so many people around, does it almost make the hospital fall apart even more?
Nora Zehetner: Yeah, it’s definitely much more chaotic, which is not the best thing in a hospital.
Q: Is there anyone Reed actually gets along with?
Nora Zehetner: She’s very good friends with Sarah Drew’s character, April, whose one of the new doctors coming in. I think the Mercy West doctors are somewhat friendly. Whether they were good friends before that, I don’t know, but once you go together, you band together because it’s us vs. them.
Q: Do the four new doctors bring any secrets over to Seattle Grace that we’ll discover as we get to know them?
Nora Zehetner: Everybody has secrets.
Q: Fair enough. There are a lot of hot doctors at Seattle Grace. Will any of the Mercy Westers go after any of the men?
Nora Zehetner: Yeah, they’re all hot. I don’t know about that yet. Everybody at some point has some sort of romance on that show. I hope so. I don’t know with whom yet.
Q: Who would you like to see Reed get with?
Nora Zehetner: I can’t choose. They’re all very attractive in their own way. Who would you choose?
Q: No judgment. McDreamy, McSteamy and Alex Karev.
Nora Zehetner: [Laughs] I also think Kevin McKidd is super sexy.
Q: Him too! So no sharing any kisses yet?
Nora Zehetner: No, but I keep making this joke during all the surgery stuff. I’m, like, just throw me in that make-out closet, I’ll be fine there, I don’t need to do surgeries, but I should probably not say that as it is a show about surgeries – partially.