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Ordinary Joe Season 1 Episode 10 Review: Snow Globe

Critic's Rating: 3.6 / 5.0

This was a weak comeback after the cliffhangers in the winter finale.

While Ordinary Joe Season 1 Episode 10 featured some sweet moments, it lacked the emotional punch it needed after the two cliffhangers it dropped in Ordinary Joe Season 1 Episode 9,

Where was the actual aftermath of Joe running into that burning building and saving that child's life? Starting three weeks later with him mostly healed did him and Amy a disservice.

I Love You - Ordinary Joe Season 1 Episode 10
(Photo by: Eliza Morse/NBC)

While the newer couple discussed Amy's fears about Cop Joe running into a burning building, the series could have done so much more with it.

It was a show instead of a telling factor. If we could have seen those scenes when Joe was suffering in the hospital with Amy at his side, it would have helped her fear.

Amy seemed to relate and get along with Gwen, so it would make sense she would have similar concerns about losing the man she loves.

Plus, Amy had a more challenging time trusting people because she's been hurt both by cops and Bobby Diaz that I wished we could have seen some of these difficult conversations.

Jenny, Ray, & Lucas - Ordinary Joe Season 1 Episode 10
(Photo by: Eliza Morse/NBC)

"Snow Globe" showed how fragile some of the relationships were and how letting out secrets would affect them.

When Dr. Banks informed Jenny and Ray that Lucas's spine curvature had worsened and their son would need spinal surgery, Jenny knew they had no other options.

Jenny: It’s time to tell Joe the truth about Lucas. We have to.

🔗 permalink: It’s time to tell Joe the truth about Lucas. We have to.

It was such an awkward way to tell Cop Joe he was the biological father. However, there was a callback to Ordinary Joe Season 1 Episode 7 when Jenny mentioned she tried calling him for a month.

Ray: Will you help our son?

🔗 permalink: Will you help our son?

Cop Joe admitted to Amy that he had a son, and he had no idea to tell his mom since the news would shock her.

Jenny Has News for Joe - Ordinary Joe Season 1 Episode 10
(Photo by: Eliza Morse/NBC)

Talk about shocking news. Jenny informed Rockstar Joe that Zeek wanted to meet them.

Since Amy had her secret, she attempted to support Joe's news and even suggested inviting Jenny and Darren over to discuss the news.

Darren was more bitter and angry and felt that everyone had fooled him.

Darren: This isn’t complicated at all, is it?

🔗 permalink: This isn’t complicated at all, is it?

Jenny felt that she made the right choice ten years ago. But now that she'd seen Zeek, she wanted to know him. These two marriages are so fragile that one or both will break before the season is over.

Rockstar Joe & Gwen at her tribute - Ordinary Joe Season 1 Episode 10
(Photo by: Eliza Morse/NBC)

Of course, Zeek was star-struck when he realized that Rockstar Joe was his biological father. He'd figured it out when they did a Tiktok together.

Nevertheless, Zeek still wanted to know what every adopted child does: Why did Joe and Jenny give him away?

Joe took the brunt of the question to protect Jenny, even though he had no say in the decision, saying they weren't ready to be the parents he deserved.

Jenny: Zeke, I have carried you in my heart every day in my heart for these last 10 years. And now seeing seeing you happy, loved, and adored the way I prayed you would be, I couldn’t ask for anything more.

🔗 permalink: Zeke, I have carried you in my heart every day in my heart for these last 10 years. And now…

While Zek liked Jenny, he's already bonded to Joe and even got to sing with him again at Gwen's tribute concert.

Honoring Gwen #2 - Ordinary Joe Season 1 Episode 10
(Photo by: Eliza Morse/NBC)

We finally got some insight and background about Gwen too. Shortly after September 11, she decided to fix up a studio from scratch and start a choir to help families impacted by that tragedy.

She'd known that music professor James for 20 years, and they shared a fondness for music and each other.

It showed how Gwen asked him for an audition for Joe because she was terrified of losing another Kimbreau to the cop world.

While he was happy to help her all those years ago, he was more interested in dating Gwen.

The Gang's All Here - Ordinary Joe Season 1 Episode 10
(Photo by: Eliza Morse/NBC)

Kinsley had immersed herself into Nurse Joe's family, so much so that she gave Gwen dating advice and calmed Chris's anxiety about performing.

Gwen admitted she hadn't spoken to James in years, except to invite him to the tribute honoring her 20 years in the business.

Kinsley acted like she and Gwen were old friends when she told Gwen to ask James out on a date.

It seemed like Kinsley was replacing Jenny since she even knew which songs made Chris laugh instead of feeling anxious.

Jenny in Atlanta - Ordinary Joe Season 1 Episode 10
(Photo by: Eliza Morse/NBC)

Should we be worried? Jenny struggled to balance her work and home life.

Instead of talking to Nurse Joe about it, she went to the bar with Barrett.

Those two have an easy-going fun,  connection, and he managed to get her to smile.

It's a shame we barely got any happy moments between Jenny and Joe once they reunited before shipping her off to Atlanta.

Kimbreau family photo - Ordinary Joe Season 1 Episode 10
(Photo by: Eliza Morse/NBC)

Ordinary Joe always finishes each episode by showing the parallel timelines. This time, they featured Gwen's tribute concert, meeting her two new grandsons, and reuniting with James.

Hopefully, we'll see Gwen move on and have those dates. It would also be fun to see more of her work in the music studio since her students and her family were so proud of her.

All of the Joes' were also proud to be seen with their sons at the concert.

This made it harder for Amy to admit to Rockstar Joe that she was pregnant with Bobby's baby.

Cop Joe honors Gwen - Ordinary Joe Season 1 Episode 10
(Photo by: Eliza Morse/NBC)

Over to you, Ordinary Joe Fanatics. How do you think Rockstar Joe will take Amy's pregnancy news?

Are Nurse Joe and Jenny's marriage being tempted by other people? Chime in the comments below.

Remember, if you miss an episode, you can watch Ordinary Joe online right here via TV Fanatic.

Ordinary Joe airs at 10/9c on Mondays on NBC.

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