So many people were hiding behind their lies, and one person wanted to stop hiding.
It was Halloween on Ordinary Joe Season 1 Episode 5, and some characters found it easier to hide behind a mask of lies.
When will these lies catch up to them and who will catch them in their web of lies?
Cop Joe and Rockstar Joe need to compare notes. There are so many parallels and they could learn from each other.
Since Rockstar Joe saw his son, he wanted to go to his Halloween carnival and see him or donate a ramp to help him get around. While this behavior may seem kind, it was also borderline stalking.
Joe: Jenny, we’ve seen him, our son, so what now?
Jenny: I don’t know.
🔗 permalink: we’ve seen him, our son,
Adoptive parents have rights without a birth parent just showing up and intercepting their lives. It's too bad that Cop Joe can't tell Rockstar Joe this because he only seems to listen to himself.
Rockstar Joe may lose his marriage if he's not careful. While's he's largely to blame, Bobby Diaz was trying to steal his girl in multiple timelines.

It's hard to feel sympathy for Rockstar Joe. For several weeks, he hasn't told his wife he has a son out there. He claimed it was because he didn't want to hurt her since she's still struggling from miscarrying the twins.
However, the longer he waits to tell Amy, the more like she is to think he's having an actual affair with Jenny. She's always worried that perhaps Jenny was his main soulmate.
Amy: He’s never lied to me before. Is he cheating?
🔗 permalink: He’s never lied to me before. Is he cheating?
What purpose does it serve for Bobby to keep tabs on Rockstar Joe and report these findings back to Amy, unless he is trying to control her or break up their marriage?
Obviously, politics are ugly, but it seems like he always wants Amy for himself and that's how he got her into bed in this timeline by making her doubt Joe.

It's ironic that Cop Joe warned Amy about the congressman and how his affair with a previous intern could have set off Wayne Coleman. Amy wanted to deny it.
Joe: I’m just trying to protect you.
Amy: I’m a grown woman. I don’t need your protection.
🔗 permalink: I’m a grown woman. I don’t need your protection.
Amy trusted the wrong man as she looked devastated as she saw the love poem Bobby had given Carrie. It only reinforced her way of thinking in the other timeline. Was there only one true love for each person or more than one?
That question made Amy think since Bobby denied there were other women but her. Luckily, Amy found evidence to the contrary.
It was such an ironic scene as Amy gave Joe the evidence in one timeline and hopped into bed with Bobby in another. This will likely come back to haunt Amy and her campaign.

It's never easy being a child of separated parents. Every kid wishes that their parents would reunite, so Chris was obviously overjoyed that his parents were reuniting. He just didn't seem thrilled about moving to Atlanta and being separated from his grandparents and friends.
Joe: Just let us know if you don’t want to move.
Chris: If we move would be looking for two apartments or one?
Jenny: I’m thinking one
🔗 permalink: I’m thinking one
Being disabled, it was even harder for him to make friends and feel accepted so starting that process all over again terrified him. He had just been cast as the lead in the school play with his best friends.
He was excited about these things, but he was hesitant to express his feelings. His parents had been separated for so long, and if it took moving to get them back together, he didn't want to complain. Many children of divorce feel like that.
They're afraid to express their own wants and needs for fear of making things worse. Luckily, Joe and Jenny figured it out quickly and were committed to making their family work this time, Hopefully, they mean it, or it will break Chris's heart.

Ordinary Joe gave Eric a backstory and began its' first LGBTQ storyline. Eric associates Halloween with his mom leaving and the fact that she was supposed to visit one Halloween and never did.
Teen Eric came out as bisexual when he was 13 years old. They wrote it seamlessly. Joe accepted his best friend and reassured him that his dad would too.
We've seen Eric in each of the timelines, and it makes sense why he's a single dad to his baby daughter now. He wants to find a guy that cares about fatherhood and appreciates cooking as much as he does.
It's refreshing that Eric is married in the other two timelines, showing that he is queer and attracted to both men and women.
Eric: I don’t want to live in the closet. I can’t hide that I’m a biracial black man. Why should I hide that I’m bisexual? Even in a magnanimous marriage with Mallory, it’s still part of who I am.
🔗 permalink: I don’t want to live in the closet. I can’t hide that I’m a biracial black man. Why should I…

Hopefully, now that the series has scratched the surface on this storyline, we can learn more about Eric and see where his relationship goes. We haven't delved too much into his relationship with Mallory either.
Did something happen that made Eric so adamant that they enroll their child in a school near other queer families or does he just want to be diverse?
Over to you, TV Fanatics. Were you surprised that Amy and Bobby Diaz hooked up while working on her campaign? Did you enjoy learning more about Eric's backstory? Let us know below in the comments.
Rember you can watch Ordinary Joe online right here via TV Fanatic.
Ordinary Joe airs at 10/9c on Mondays on NBC.