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Outsiders Season 2 Episode 13 Review: Unbroken Chain

Critic's Rating: 5 / 5.0

Shay must stay. 

That's about all I can say after Outsiders Season 2 Episode 13, which may very well be the series finale of the prematurely canceled WGN America series. 

No One Is Safe - Outsiders
(WGN America)

I don't think I have ever heard of a channel canceling its highest-rated series so early into its run, but that's exactly what has happened to Outsiders, and it sucks. 

Big Foster has been one of the more problematic characters throughout Outsiders' short run, but he really became a better character on Outsiders Season 2. Heck, he was apparently dead before the series returned. 

I rolled my eyes when I realized he was still on the show, but he swayed me over to his side of thinking over the last few weeks. The Farrells absolutely needed to strike before One Planet did. 

Gordon – or whatever the heck his name was – wound up helping the Farrells more than I thought he would. What I found confusing was that Elon helped, and his body was found the next morning. 

Did this prove that the age-old tale about the Farrells returning from the dead to help their own was real? DING, DING, DING. 

Yes, I think it did and so did Big Foster. G'Win should have really banished him from the mountain when she had the chance because there was never a doubt in my mind that he would one day try to get the power back. 

Halt and Catch Fire - AMC

I can't fault him for it; he knew there was only one way to do business and that was to go after their enemies first. I do think he really loved G'Win, but he also knew there was no way they would see eye-to-eye about anything. 

I liked that L'il Foster returned to G'Win to confirm he still loved her, despite all of the crazy things that have gone down over the past two seasons. She did wind up getting with his father, after all. 

L’il Foster: I loathe you, I’ve adored you, I’ve forgotten about you. Still, I love you. I don’t know G’Win. Run away with me. We’ll find some other mountain. Raise our baby in peace. I have nothing but care for you now. For you or him or her.

G’Win: It’s a her. You know we can’t leave this hill.

L’il Foster: Then I’m begging you, give it up.

G’Win: What?

L’il Foster: That oak.

🔗 permalink: That oak.

It was definitely one of the more exciting developments that Li'l Foster snapped the stick. That probably means that there is going to be no leader going forward. 

That could mean they would have to go with votes as opposed to one person governing what happens. That would have been good to see, but I doubt the people on the other side would have seen it that way. 

The ending was ominous, with the red-haired girl looking scared at the events that had just transpired. It would be a travesty not to find out what happened next on the mountain. 

An Unexpected Turn - Outsiders
(WGN America)

Off the mountain, things were just as uncertain. Hasil took a bullet by helping his people with the great big dynamite mission. Wade was very clear to not call the ambulance, but something tells me there is going to be a lot of fallout from this. 

Poor Sally Ann had no idea what was going on. How would she cope without having Hasil? They have become so close over the course of the series, and it would suck to have them tore apart. 

TVF placeholder logo image

Then there's Wade, who is in quite the predicament with Matt. It seemed like a bit of a stretch that the map would come back to bite him. Anyone in the police station could have had Wade touch the map, before giving it to the Farrells. 

I wanted Wade to scream something along those lines at Matt, but it seems Gordon is sending help in the form of the emails and proof that One Planet is a corrupt bunch of individuals. 

All things considered, this episode worked well as a season finale, but it failed as a series finale. That's down to the fact the cancellation came out just over a week ago. 

The fans and production deserve an ending, and it's not fair to have everyone robbed of it because WGN America is changing focus. If you want to help save the series, head on over to sign this petition

Over to you, Outsiders fanatics. What did you think of the episode? Where should the show land if it is saved?

Remember you can watch Outsiders online right here on TV Fanatic. Get caught up with the latest drama for the characters. 

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