With only four hours left, the entire Braverman family was back on our screens as Zeek was rushed to the hospital after suffering another heart attack.
The only times the full cast has been on board this season has been during hospital scenes and Parenthood Season 6 Episode 10 reminds us why having them together is so magical.
Even during one of the most traumatic moments of their lives, life goes on. It doesn't stop and allow the tragedy to unfold, but piles moment after moment on top of what is already happening. That's about as real as it gets.
Despite the danger to Zeek's health and Camille's obvious distress over it, the stories tonight didn't center around them. Instead, Adam and Crosby and their respective spouses were in the spotlight after The Luncheonette was robbed, Julia continued to reconnect with Joel and Hank realized what he feels for Sarah is for life.
That doesn't even take into consideration Zeek had his heart attack on the night of Amber's baby shower or that his dear Pontiac, passed onto Drew, decided to give up on the same night his heart gave him a run for the money.
It's hard to believe we only have three hours left with the Bravermans. There have been times when the family has made me want to pull my hair out, but never did I want them to exit my world. I'm sure you're all with me in that sentiment. It's going to be a very long and hard goodbye to these characters we've come to know so well, whether it's life and death to the end or they fade peacefully into the sunset.
Julia and Joel aren't officially together, but the way he handled assuming his position within the family and was so readily able to take what the doctor said and translate it kindly to the frightened members showed how integrated he is into their lives. He's a part of them as much as any of those born a Braverman. I'm sure the same can be said of many divorce situations, but this is Parenthood and we're talking about Joel.
Nurse: I’m sorry, it’s family members only.
Julia: He’s my husband.
🔗 permalink: He’s my husband.
A crisis can either tear a family apart or bring stay members back together. In this case, what's happening occurred at the exact moment when it made the most sense for Julia to accept Joel back into her life, whether it be for now or forever.
Even Hank – poor, uncomfortable Hank – recognized in Joel a man he wants to emulate. As he fumbled his words and was called one of his mother's losers by a distraught Drew, Hank couldn't help but notice Joel does everything right while he struggles dearly to do the same. It was hard not to jump onto the Hankwagon when he questioned why Joel is so damned healthy when he eats Twizzlers, for goodness sakes.
Hank: I don’t know if your grandfather is going to be alright, but I know I’m a parent just like him and we don’t hold on to any of that stuff.
🔗 permalink: I don’t know if your grandfather is going to be alright, but I know I’m a parent just like…
Drew admitted he thinks Hank is the best loser Sarah ever brought home in another enjoyable Hank/Drew moment. The two were there for each other, and that has to be part of the reason Hank proposed. He felt welcomed. Will Sarah accept Hank's proposal? It was made in a rush, but it was exactly a Hank move. If she expects something different from him, then she's with the wrong man. That will be what we learn over the coming weeks – whether Hank is Mr. Right or not.
Crosby and Adam have their work cut out for them determining what is to come of their future. When the insurance quote came back that would have allowed them to close out all business deals and each walk away with $20, plus provide Amber a severance, they both felt a weight was lifted off of their shoulders. It was hard not to remember when they were offered millions for it and turned it down. How times have changed.
Jasmine didn't think for a minute Crosby would be making the right decision if he chose to let the business go. She has seen him blossom as an adult in charge of his own life and realizes the joy he gets from the work. On the other hand, Kristina was almost as relieved as Adam when she allowed him to make the decision he wanted, to let it go.
In my Braverman world, I imagine Crosby taking the insurance, buying out Adam and bringing Amber on as either a partner or a full time associate with the possibility of buying in later. It's been obvious for a long time the two who love it the most are Crosby and Amber, and she needs a future for her baby. Maybe when Drew graduates with his accounting degree, he can get on board, too. Adam can run the Academy with Kristina.
It was the night of Amber's baby shower, and the women brought the shower to the hospital. It gave Camille a chance to remind Amber about the important things in life.
Camille: Amber, I would say to you that life is short. You cannot know how impossibly fast it goes by, so just enjoy this baby. Cherish this time. Cherish every minute of it.
🔗 permalink: Amber, I would say to you that life is short. You cannot know how impossibly fast it goes by,…
And, finally, there is Zeek. He is frightened and cannot believe he and Camille are where they are now. The title of the episode came from this Parenthood quote:
Zeek: I mean, God, Millie. How the hell did we end up here, like this? I just wish we could go back a couple of years, just, you know, you and me. Have some fun, you know?
🔗 permalink: I mean, God, Millie. How the hell did we end up here, like this? I just wish we could go back…
That's about the truth of it, and probably what he will try to impart to his children as he and Millie make the decision alone about his health. Don't take it all for granted and one day look back. The end does come far too soon, whether you like it or not. You know what they say, the only two certainties in life are death and taxes. It's what you do with all other parts of your life that will make the difference between a good life and a great one.
So what did you think? Do you have any predictions for the remainder of this fine series? I'm not ready, but I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays out. Excellence, of course, is predetermined.
If you missed any of this season, you can watch Parenthood online via TV Fanatic. Catch up before the final episode so we can all watch together!