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Penny Dreadful Season 2 Episode 7 Review: Little Scorpion

Critic's Rating: 4.5 / 5.0

You can't blame Vanessa for wanting to disappear for a while after that ballroom bloodbath. However, she wasn't exactly seeking peace and quiet at the Cut Wife’s cottage; she wanted that damn book!

While Penny Dreadful Season 2 Episode 7 brought Ms. Ives and Mr. Chandler closer, it was a bit disappointing she kept him friend zoned.

Aside from Vanessa's act of vengeance, it was Lily that truly shocked us this week. Where the hell did that come from?

Will Ethan Open Up? - Penny Dreadful Season 2 Episode 7

I wondered if Ethan would break free and kill Sembene in my review for Penny Dreadful Season 2 Episode 6. That would have been a shame, since we still have so much to learn about Sir Malcolm's confidant. Instead, not only did he survive, but he shared the details of what he witnessed with Ethan. The fact Mr. Chandler now has an ally in his corner can only be a good thing.

Though we understood Sir Malcolm was under Evilyn's control, he was behaving far too suspiciously. Good thing Victor chimed in, "Hold on, you don't credit Ms. Ives' ability to sense things?"

The fact Mr. Lyle backed up Ethan's choice to accompany her and recommended they tell no one where they were going reminds us he cares for her. Evelyn simply has too much dirt on him, but I have no doubt he wants to see our heroes triumph. I'm hoping he survives the season.

Sir Malcolm: This company is safe.

Victor: Is it though? Are any of us immune to this danger we can’t see, can’t touch, but is everlastingly present? Mr. Lyle’s right, tell no one.

🔗 permalink: Mr. Lyle’s right, tell no one.

Vanessa turned to Sembene when she mentioned that only Ethan was absent when the lion hunted. Was this a hint for Sembene to look into the situation with Sir Malcolm? She clearly trusts Victor as well, because she told him where she was headed. Vanessa also warned Victor to be mindful of Sir Malcolm, but does she suspect Evelyn is behind all this?

When they arrived at the moors, there was an instant sense of dread beautifully conveyed by the musical score. The minute Ethan asked about the tree, I had a feeling he would knock it down by the end of the installment. I loved that he was a perfect gentleman, and his only true intention was to protect her.

Penny Dreadful Season 2 Episode 3 was so powerful, that hearing Vanessa talk of Joan Clayton was heartbreaking.

Vanessa: She called me her little scorpion and only said my name aloud once… before she was murdered; tied to that tree outside.

🔗 permalink: She called me her little scorpion and only said my name aloud once… before she was…

Though this was a quieter episode overall, I enjoyed watching Vanessa and Ethan bond. It's important that we see them connect on a personal level. Plus, the two characters opened up about things that scared them as children. For Ethan, it was a horse named Diablo, while Vanessa confessed she was terrified of dolls. If that isn't a hint that she's going to end up in Evelyn's doll room at some point, I don't know what is.

The scene where Ethan chowed down on the sheep was brutal. The shot of blood spurting across the full moon in the backdrop was iconic. I confess, I didn't find Ethan's werewolf particularly scary in the finale last year. That said, I think the visual effects guys have definitely made up for it this season.  

When Vanessa asked Ethan to be honest about his dark secret, he changed the subject. Let's go shooting instead, yeah that's the ticket. Why was Vanessa so good with a gun if she's never used one before? I mean, she even shot that bottle out of the sky. Still, Ethan did talk about becoming a predator while teaching her. I'm pretty sure Vanessa picked up on the double entendre.

Can you believe he asked her to teach him to dance?

Vanessa: It’s the opposite of homicide. Always look at your opponents eyes.

Ethan: And then?

Vanessa: Proceed gently. Take my waist. Up here Mr. Chandler, and sway.

🔗 permalink: It’s the opposite of homicide. Always look at your opponents eyes.

That was a great moment, wasn't it? There are so few lighter moments on this series, you have to treasure them when they take place.

I also loved the callback about too much salt, and Ethan dumping the rest in just as Vanessa had before. The tree came down, and a little garden took its place; perfection. What a shame that damn thunderstorm interrupted the scene and set the cottage on fire. I guess things were going too smoothly, and though they kissed, Vanessa pushed Ethan away.  

Back at Sir Malcolm's, we learned this is "the coming of the beast." Mr. Lyle talked of fallen angels, demons and Victor inquired about vampires. This was the first real mention of vampires this season, I believe. Is our big bad, Satan (or Legion, as Mr. Lyle referred to him), the same creature that hunted Vanessa last season? I'm curious to see how the two seasons connect. Interesting that the Hound of God is a danger to the demon. That means Sembene is correct, Ethan's condition is a blessing not a curse.

Still, it was troubling that Ethan visited despicable Mr. Hawkes with the intention of killing him. Though Vanessa claimed she could live with the man's murder, using the "Poetry of Death" enchantment will undoubtedly change her. While I was expecting Vanessa to give in to her dark nature, Lily murdering that man completely surprised me. Was this our first clue that she is going mad? Is she schizophrenic? Caliban spied her with Dorian, as well, and that can't be good.

What did you think of "Little Scorpion"? Is Vanessa prepared to fight fire with fire? Will she use the book against the Nightcomers next? Why do you think Lily killed that man; for pleasure? Your turn, my friends, sound off in the comments below. There's so much to chat about this week.

NOTE: Penny Dreadful Season 2 Episode 8 is titled “Memento Mori” and airs on Sunday, June 21.

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