Pete and Thomas sit in his office, where Pete is paid for his work leaking the gun information.
Thomas presses the judge to charge Perry with a crime for hiding the gun. The DA office is tasked with drafting a brief detailing the way forward on the case.
Perry meets up with Pete, who comes clean about the fact that he broke into Mason's safe. They fight but makeup, and Pete helps Perry solve the case. Della and Paul are against working with him.
Lydell and Camila meet with some officials from the Japanese Government.
Della visits Hamilton, who reveals he'd been blackmailed into offering the brothers the plea deal.
Mateo's mom visits him in prison, revealing that Rafael had been accepted to an art school.
After stowing into a McCutcheon ship, Perry and Pete find Lydel's secret. He had been selling oil to the Japanese and disguising it as farm produce that he'd dump into the ocean and transfer the oil from his ship to a Japanese one.
Paul's wife joins him in his car, and they continue their stakeout. Later they head to a suburb.
Della finds out that Brooks and one other person were subpoenaed to testify.
Perry confronts Lydell with his findings. He reveals he's not who called for Brooks' murder.
Photos of Della are brought to Camilla. Rafael returns to his cell. Hamilton submits his draft.