What are your thoughts on this episode of Criminal Minds?

This episode was different, in that the Unsub had already been caught. What are your thoughts on the story?

What do you think was the best part of this episode, entitled "Rabid"?

This episode was more traditional, with a psycopathic unsub with a unique need to see rabid people bite and infect other victims. What...

What did you think of this Criminal Minds episode?

What did you think of this unusual Criminal Minds episode?

Is the story about Gabby believable?

Often, Criminal Minds has featured an Unsub with crazy motives and even crazier, unbelievable behavior. Is the story of a vindictive...

What was your opinion about Mr. and Mrs. Smith?

This episode featured a couple whose tried to save their dysfunctional marriage through murder. What did you think of them?

Should they have made this story longer?

Although the JJ and Cruz back story has been hinted at since the season start, we never got into the meat of their story until now....

What happened to JJ?

At the end of the episode, we saw JJ get abducted. What do you think happened to her?

Should Garcia and Morgan tone down the flirty talk?

Garcia and Morgan were embarrassed by a presentation on sexual harassment in the workplace. Should they curtail their friendly flirt...