What grade would you give Person of Interest Season 4?

What did you think? Grade Person of Interest Season 4 now!

What is the best procedural on television?

What is the best procedural on television?

What would you grade Person of Interest Season 3?

What would you grade Person of Interest Season 3?

Were you surprised Decima was behind Vigilance?

Were you surprised Decima was behind Vigilance?

Do you wish Grace would have learned that Finch was alive?

Do you wish Grace learned that Finch was alive?

Should Reese have killed the congressman?

Should Reese have killed the congressman?

Do you want to see Shaw and Matthew get together again?

Do you want to see Shaw and Matthew get together again?

Do you think Root will take up Decima's offer?

Do you think Root will take up Decima's offer?

Do you think Root will die for the Machine?

Do you think Root will die for the Machine?

Do you wish Rick Dillinger had lived?

Do you wish Rick Dillinger had lived?

Do you want the voice on the phone to return?

Do you want the voice on the phone to return?

Would you want to see the POI team involved in another heist?

Would you want to see the POI team involved in another heist?

Person of Interest Quotes

Knowledge is not my problem. Doing something with that knowledge is where you come in. You can call me Mr. Finch.


When you find that one person who connects you to the world, you become someone different, someone better. When that person is taken from you, what do you become then?
