Are you disappointed Revolution is over?

Revolution's series finale has aired. Were you disappointed it's over?

Will The Patriots be successful with the mustard gas?

The Patriots are going to use their new alliance with Texas to stage an act of aggression from California. Will their plan be successful?

What did you think of Miles and Rachel's plan to outsmart Monroe?

Just when Monroe thinks he's finally won Miles over Rachel, they outsmart him once again. Was the plan Rachel and Miles developed a...

Are you sick of the nanotech?

The nanotech gets weirder and weirder. Which makes us wonder if you're as sick of the nanotech as we are.

Are you disappointed Jason died?

Charlie shoots Jason out of self-defense after he is activated. Are you disappointed Jason is gone?

Is the bromance gone for good between Miles and Monroe?

Miles and Monroe are quickly having differing opinions again. Are they almost done?

Is the real Priscilla still in there?

Priscilla is acting out of character, and they later realize that it's not Priscilla but the nanotech.

Did you think Aaron was winning against the nanotech?

Aaron finally looked to have the upperhand with the nanotech. Did you think he did too?

Is Aaron really in the past on Revolution or is he just dreaming?

Sound off now, Revolution fans: Is Aaron really in the past?

What was your favorite moment from this week's Revolution?

Revolution's final episode before the Olympics had a lot of things going on. Vote for your favorite moment!

Is Revolution's plot beginning to fall?

Are Revolution's recent choices in plot direction beginning to bring the quality of the show?

Is Revolution's nanite story getting out of hand?

The nanites are coming together to form a big brain on Revolution. Has it gone too far?

Revolution Quotes

80 million dollars in the bank and I would trade it all, right now, for a roll of Charmin.


Tom: To tell you the truth, when General Monroe finds out, he's gonna be irate and he might even have my head.
Danny: Let's hope.