A ten month layoff has done nothing to slow down the chaos and intrigue that surrounds the major players of the criminal world on Starz's breakout hit.
In case you need a refresher after the long break, there's really only three things you need to know: Ghost is still the most emotional drug dealer of all time, Angela is still a kind of crappy prosecutor and Tommy is still the best thing about this show.
In my world and viewing of this show, those three things are gospel and everything orbits around that. And Power Season 2 Episode 1 kept that gospel alive. Sure it had its slower moments, but the last half of the episode points to a very exciting season to come.

The premiere picked up exactly where the season finale left off. We dropped in to see that red sneakers made a hasty dash after failing to kill Ghost and Tommy went to Angela's apartment to kill her after learning she was a federal prosecutor. When Tommy entered Angela's bedroom, for a second I thought he was going to find Ghost there, but then I realized there's no way Ghost could have made it to her apartment that fast.
But didn't it look like something was under those covers?
Anyway, with all the turmoil, Tommy started to self destruct a little bit. He called Holly and proclaimed his love and then he broke into someone's house to retrieve a gun and some hidden cash. He never made it out, though, because he got hit upside the head with a baseball bat. And thus we were forced to wonder, where in the world is Carmen Sandiego Tommy Egan?
Tommy was MIA for a good portion of the episode, which is a shame because I truly believe Joseph Sikora is the MVP of this show. I absolutely love the way he delivers his lines, as he comes across extremely likable, yet terrifying at the same time. And as was pointed out several times, Tommy is the glue that holds everything together.
The Tommy disappearance was solved once we found out the house he snuck into belonged to his Mom. He'd been hiding out there for days, ruminating over what he perceived to be Ghost's betrayal.
Tommy: You can’t trust him no more, Ma! He’s changed.
🔗 permalink: You can’t trust him no more, Ma! He’s changed.
Tommy and Ghost's relationship slowly deteriorated over the course of last season and it was honestly sad to watch. If we're ranking relationships on this show, the Ghost/Tommy relationship is my favorite, so watching two friends with an incredible bond slip further and further away from each other was difficult.
The pain, confusion and sadness that clouded their friendship was on full display during their explosive reunion. And it translated into the best Power moment to date, in my opinion.
Ghost FINALLY learned the truth about Angela and the look on his face was crushing, to say the least. Now, I may be in the minority on this one, but I actually like Ghost and Angela together. I get that their relationship is completely based on lies, but when they're around one another it truly feels like you're watching two people in love.
Armed with the truth now, it looks like Ghost believes that Angela has been out to get him this whole time.
Ghost [to Angela]: So baby, how was work?
🔗 permalink: So baby, how was work?
Their eventual showdown is going to be really, really tough to watch.
Speaking of Angela, her world was slowly crumbling, as she got demoted and learned that Ghost wasn't as committed to their coupling as she thought. Even though she's officially off the Lobos case, she hasn't given up on it and she's looking to get help from some of Nomar's people, so she can finish that sketch of "Ghost."
With Nomar dead, Angela made another blunder. I get that if everything went right for her all the time, we wouldn't have a show because Ghost and Tommy would be in jail. But I'd like to change my gospel truth about the female lead. She needs a win, people!
So after a few brief visits last season, it looks like Kanan is back and here to stay. When it was revealed that Kanan was the mastermind behind all the hits last season, I can't be the only one who was surprised. In retrospect it made perfect sense, but the show crafted that whole plot beautifully.
Kanan spends his first few days out of prison looking to punish red sneakers and plotting his plan to bring Ghost and Tommy down. With Ghost's mind constantly going in a million different directions and Tommy a bit of a mess right now, it's the perfect time for Kanan to strike.
Will he succeed? I can't wait to watch.
Everything Else You Need To Know
- Rolla was mentioned more than once and you have to figure his death (and Ghost's part in it) are going to play a major role in the future.
- With double the product on their hands, Ghost is seriously considering expanding. I'm sure this will go well…
- Simon Stern now owns Truth. Whomp whomp. I truly enjoy Victor Garber, but I can't wait to see Ghost smack that smug grin off his face.
- Tasha got her own private ATM card, and I say good for you! I appreciate her loyalty, but it's really time she started looking out for number one.
- Frankie is off the task force and a major hottie has taken her place.
- Holly is alive.
Alright guys, now it's your turn to tell me what you thought about "Consequences." What will Ghost do now that he knows about Angela? Should Tasha continue to support Ghost? Is Angela's investigation going to lead her to Tommy? How exactly is Ghost going to expand his drug empire?
I could not be more excited to review Power this year and talk to other people who strongly feel like this hidden gem is worthy of discussion! So hit up the comments and tell me what you think!