On Christmas day, Imogen receives a call from Kelly telling her that "A" has escaped and killed both her father and Chip.
The girls believe Archie is targeting the loose ends, and as they attempt to contact their "trial night" bullies, "A" murders Madame Giry, Steve, and Noa's mom's drug dealer.
On New Year's Eve, Archie visits Angela's grave, where the police arrest him and take him back into custody.
Flashing forward to the last week of school, the girls have been taking self-defense and meeting with a therapist, Dr. Sullivan.
Imogen begins having hallucinations of her mom while also trying to reconcile with giving her baby up for adoption by making unexpected visits to the adoptive couple.
An online form reveals the girl's identities as the Millwood massacre survivors, placing a target on their backs.
Sources from the same forum theorize that "Bloody Rose Waters" is picking up where Archie left off in the punishing and murdering of the guilty.
Chip's mom confronts Tabby about the short film that she made and posted online, demanding that it be taken down as it paints Chip as a rapist.
All the while, Kelly has thrown herself into religion, having found solace in the church after all the trauma from months back.
During another session with Dr. Sullivan, it is announced that Archie will be receiving the death penalty.
The girls live a moment of relief before they are informed that they will all have to take summer school due to their grades dropping.
In the last scene of the episode, a couple exploring the supposed cabin of "Bloody Rose Waters" is butchered by a masked figure wielding a knife.