Blue has nightmares about the police officer shooting him when he runs, but he doesn't tell Darla or Ralph Angel.
Davis has to break into Charley's house because she can't get up off the sofa. She's having trouble breathing. Davis calls their doctor and tells him her symptoms. Then stays with her and takes care of her for several days.
Charley doesn't want anyone else in the family to know she's sick, and although Davis disagrees, he complies with her wishes.
Darlene tells Darla she got Blue a full ride to the Sidwell Academy, one of the country's most prestigious schools, but Darla balks. She doesn't want that kind of life for Blue.
Darla calls Aunt Vi and tells her she's worried that Ralph Angel is considering sending Blue to the private school in D.C. Violet gets into a fight with Darlene over the phone. Vi gets so upset that Hollywood wonders if there's more going on that she's not talking about.
In the end, Darla says they will get Blue the education he needs closer to home in New Orleans, but he will stay with his family. Ralph Angel agrees.
After talking to Ralph Angel via FaceTime, Hollywood decides to try and open The Real Spot online.
Calvin asks Nova what she wants. Is it marriage, partnership, something else? He'll take whatever she chooses.