Bonnie: Do you wanna talk about i--
Alaric: Nope.
Bonnie: Okay. Didn't think so.

It’s a diaper, not a bomb. Though I could dismantle a bomb blindfolded if I needed to.

Alaric: They’re together. Bonnie and Enzo. They are together.
Damon: They’re together as in someone kidnapped Bonnie Bennett and brainwashed her into a relationship with Enzo, or…

I love you, and I want to marry you and be your loving, honest, committed partner. And I want our little family to work. But I don't want it if you'd rather be with someone else.

You changed my life, you know that? You completely turned it around. And for that, i will always love you even though I know you don’t love me the same way.

No matter what happens, Caroline, you, me, the kids, we’re a family. We will always, always be a family.

Look, we can't escape this life, Care. So shouldn't we make sure we're at least living it right?

Legacies Quotes

Alaric: Cheater!
Hope: You should really get a vampire to start doing my training. You're getting a little old for me to break your human bones.
Alaric: How dare you.

Alaric: Block with your hand.
Hope: I got it.
Alaric: If you had it I wouldn't have to say it.