Andy: I love kids.
Marlo: Yeah, five years from now they're going to be spitting on us.

I set my mind to something, I fight to the death and I wi

Andy: Sam, you broke my heart.
Sam: Well, you got me back.

Sam: Your first shift back, I'm already getting shot at.
Andy: You missed me, didn't you?

Andy: He seemed bigger at the bank.
Marlo: They always seem bigger when they have a gun in

Undercover wasn't all watching cheesy movies and hanging out at the bar. Nick and I ran 5K every other morning.

Maybe I should punch you in the face right now for puling the trigger on me back there.

I was going to write pistol whipped but it wasn't a pistol. It was a shot gun but shot gun whipped isn't a term.

I don't hate change. I hate surprises.

Sam: First time you ever held a grenade?
Andy: Yes. It was never really a goal of mine.

That's not your job anymore.

Andy: Why are you drunk at 8am anyway?
Nick: I was still drinking at 7.

Rookie Blue Quotes

There is absolutely no training that prepares you for life on the street.

Staff Sgt. Boyko

First rookie out of their cuffs drinks for free. Everyone else pays.

Oliver Shaw