Britta: That was one of the worst things I have ever seen. Which I guess makes being a part of it a pretty selfless, so I'm impressed
Jeff: How do you know I didn't do it just to get another shot with you?
Britta: Cause a smart man like you would know that no woman in that class would be able to look at you as a sexually viable candidate ever again

Britta: I was a little too harsh on you, I'm not perfect
Jeff: I am, I'd be happy to show you the ropes

Britta: What can i do?
Annie: You can hang the Chacata Panecos piniata
Britta: You guys realize he was beaten to death, right?
Shirley: That's where we got the idea from
Annie: Poignant

Britta: this cause is really important to me
Annie: Are you saying we're not allowed to protest? Britta, you sound like Guatemala
Shirley: Sounds like someone has the case of "someone likes to use fringe politics to make themselves feel special but doesn't want to do anything"-itis

Jeff: I'm actually a Spanish tutor.
Britta: Can you say that in Spanish now?

Community Quotes

Jeff: Everyone on this campus is nuts
Leonard [in pool]: Not me!
Jeff: Oh come on Leonard, if you're going to argue with me, put on a bathing suit
Leonard: Busted

I've loved you since there was only one Soviet Union and one Damon Wayans.
