Are you sure the first thing he knows is that his parents fell in love during an armed robbery?

You're not going to hold him out in front of the clock tower and present him like the Lion King, are you?

Next time you try to take my power away why don't you try enchanting the lips of someone I'll actually kiss.

Emma: What is he going to do? I have magic he has one hand.
David: At the very least he can draw fire.
Hook: What, now I'm canon fodder?

David: Zelena backed you into a corner. You did the best you could.
Hook: See, even your father gets it.
Emma: Yeah, because he knows about keeping secrets from loved ones.

Emma: We were waiting for Hook.
Regina: I don't have time to wait for the handless wonder.

Emma: I thought our family was the good guys.
Regina: Life is too messy for it to ever be that simple.

Emma: I'm not an amateur. I'm the savior.
Zelena: It appears somebody's got an inflated sense of self worth.

Hook: Perhaps I could talk to him.
Emma: About what, leather conditioner and eye liner?

Emma: I almost married a monster from Oz. It's hilarious.
Neal: I almost married a minion of my evil grandfather, Peter Pan so I know what you're saying.

Charming: This is every thing I ever hoped for you.
Emma: Me too. It's a shame I never got it.

Emma: Really, she's real too?
Hook: Says the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming.

Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

I've yet to see you fail and when you do succeed, well that's when the fun begins.
