So he punched your ticket to Iowa and now you're going to vouch for him.

Trying to get to the truth of situations like that is like trying to deconstruct a milk shake.

Don't give me that, you play like a girl look, because I play like a girl who grew up with three brothers.

A good lawyer can do three things at once.

The only one who can keep you safe is you.

I've seen my share of sleazy defense lawyers but you've over achieved once again.

Erin: Do you think I'm too old to sell my body?
Danny: No, not to science anyway.

It's always personal for him. That doesn't give him the right to use me as a punching bag every time he doesn't get his way.

Danny: Please tell me you're not making your infamous veggie lasagna again.
Erin: Don't worry, after all that whining I went full carnivore. This ham should take three years off your life,

I've made it this far without sleeping with my boss, I'm not about to start now.

You have to remember that I was there for your first crush. Theresa Mancini and she was bossy and opinionated and it's kind of your thing.

The witness is at Riker's so if I'm late it's not like he's going anywhere.