PRESTON: "How's your father O'Malley, anything new?"
GEORGE: "He needs an endoscopy, and Bailey won't let me be the intern on his case. But she said I could pick someone else, and I was wondering if Cristina could be the intern on his case."
PRESTON: "That shouldn't be a problem."
CRISTINA: "Uh, yes it is! We have corartendoctonectomy scheduled at noon."
PRESTON: "I'll push it, O'Malley's father deserves the best!"

GEORGE: "I can't believe you just decanulated a heart all by yourself."
CRISTINA: "I didn't decanulate the heart by myself. I assisted Dr. Burke, who decanulated the heart."
GEORGE: "Why are you being modest? Modest looks weird on you."
CRISTINA: "It's no big deal, George."

IZZIE: "You've got sunscreen and insect repellant? And, oh, you're gonna need a shovel to bury your poop."
GEORGE: "Izzie, I'm not five. Will you zip me up?"

"A slap fight?!"


GEORGE: "Hey, have you noticed anything going on with Burke?"
ALEX: "No."
GEORGE: "Cause before I thought I saw - what are you doing? You don't use bait when you're casting. It's gonna fall off before it hits the water. Here -- what are you?"
ALEX: "She's sleeping with Sloan, dude."
GEORGE: "What?"
ALEX: "Callie. She's sleeping with Sloan."
GEORGE: "No she's not."
ALEX: "Yes. Torres is doing Sloan!"
GEORGE: "Take it back!"

GEORGE: "Are you okay?"
PRESTON: "Absolutely."
GEORGE: "Because, uh-"
PRESTON: "We're here to fish, remember?"
GEORGE: "Right."

PRESTON: "How are you and uh, Dr. Torres doing these days?"
GEORGE: "Good. She doesn't know it yet, but we are. We... Excellent really. For a while, uh, she wanted, uh, a certain level of commitment, and I just didn't feel that way. I was ri- Now I am though."
PRESTON: "So you're stepping up."
GEORGE: "I am stepping up. You knew right? It was the right time. With you and Christina?"
PRESTON: "Right."

GEORGE: "Noelle was born with two uteruses. Uteri."
ADDISON: "Uteruses."
GEORGE: "Uteruses."

MEREDITH: "What the hell has happened to us?"
GEORGE: "We are now the people that the people we want to be with avoid. Great."
MEREDITH: "We have careers to think about. We don't need attention from them with perfect hair."
GEORGE: "You know, we should make a pact. There's no more dating."
MEREDITH: [nodding] "No more Derek. No more Callie."
GEORGE: "Just a hundred percent focused on our work."
MEREDITH: "They're dead to us."
GEORGE: "They're freakin' corpses to us. "

GEORGE: "Okay, I'll be Cristina for you, if you'll be Izzie for me."
MEREDITH: "Deal. Derek had a woman in his trailer last night. She was ugly, very ugly, except she was tall and beautiful. And he was naked.
GEORGE: "Oh. McDreamy was doing the McNasty with McHottie? That McBastard. Uh, how was that?
MEREDITH: "That was good."
GEORGE: "Really?"
GEORGE: "Excellent."
MEREDITH: "Okay. Chanelling Izzie. Go."
GEORGE: "Okay. Um, Callie... she won't forgive me. Uh, she won't talk to me. She dumped me. Which is, uh, I don't care about, you know, at all..."
MEREDITH: "Good, because you deserve better. You do. I mean... You. Are. George. I mean seriously. Seriously. Seriously! Was that Izzie optimistic?
GEORGE: [pauses] "Yes, it's very Izzie."

CALLIE: "Did you just call me a pig?"
GEORGE: "No, not anymore. Now I am the pig. I'm the pig. I am the pig."

CRISTINA: [looks at board] "I'm so sorry. This is completely illegible. I'm gonna like... why don't you just write it properly? Can you please give me a minute?"
GEORGE: "She's writing on the OR board."
ALEX: "Maybe I should sleep with Burke."

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
