Michael: So ... this is the magic trick, huh?
Gob: "Illusion," Michael. A "trick" is something a whore does for money. (Michael points out that a bunch of kids are staring at Gob with their mouths open) ... Or candy!

Gob: You know, I sort of thought my contribution could be a magic show.
(Shot of Alliance of Magicians)
Michael: Oh, that's perfect, Gob.
Gob: Thank you.
Michael: Or, wait a minute. I just remembered something - Dad's retiring, not turning six.

Lucille: And I'm putting Buster in charge.
Gob: He's a good choice.
Michael: Buster? The guy who thought that the blue on the map was land?

Birthday Party Man: I'll be honest. I'm just more comfortable with an Alliance-approved magician.
Gob: Aw. Give 'em a hell of a show, champ.
Teen Magician: (bleep) off, traitor.

(After George Sr. is put in jail)
Michael: And Lindsay, I expected this from them because they're completely oblivious. But you, you should know better.
(Michael walks away)
Gob: Lindsay, he's really mad at you.

Gob: Are those police boats
(Symbol Clash)
Gob: No, I'm serious. I think they are police boats.

Arrested Development Quotes

Um, I forget their name, but I know they're hungry. I think some are thirsty.


(talking about the money their fund-raiser brought in) Well, most of that money was from the Bluth Company. I mean, how ...
(Michael looks surprised) ... are you?
