Spencer: When I saw it as him instead of Ali, I thought for sure this was a trap.
Hanna: Probably is and we're just sitting here like geese.
Spencer: Ducks.

  • Permalink: Ducks.
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I wanna hug you and slap you at the same time.

Aria: Ok, you really need to eat something. Hanna, give her your cookie.
Hanna: You give her your cookie, I'm hungry.

That's ridiculous. How are old is she? Does she even know how to text?

Don't get up. I don't want to accidentally run into your mouth again.

Aria, if it were me, I would have burned this whole place down.

Hanna: Are you a speed freak?
Emily and Aria: Hanna!

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Emily: Did you have an accident?
Spencer: What? No!
Hanna: Well, are you going to? What is up with those shower shoes?

Isn't funny how your old boyfriend turned out to be a stalking wackjob?

The more I see of men, the more I want to get a dog.

Em, get real, this is all about the A-ness of things.

My head feels like its full of hot ice cubes.

Pretty Little Liars Quotes

Ezra: I'd like to know more about you.
Aria: I'd like to know more about you, too.

Friends share secrets. That's what keeps us close.
