Hermes: Zoidberg was popular?
Amy: Zoidberg had hair?

Fry: Executive?
Conrad: It's a meaningless title, but it makes insecure people feel better about themselves.
Fry: I feel better about myself!

Hermes: Which concludes the summary of the movie I saw last night. Now, any old business?
All: No.
Hermes: Any new business?
All: No.
Hermes:Anyone spend the night together?

Hermes: Well I think Amy and Fry go together like a lime and coconut.
Farnsworth: Do I hear wedding bells?
Fry: What? No!
Farnsworth: Really? Oh, dear.

Hermes: Fry! Amy! Put your pants back on! I need a stapler.
Zoidberg: Stop! Stop! If you interrupt the mating dance the male will become enraged and maul us with his fearsome gonad.

Hermes: What are you hacking off? Is it my torso? It is! My precious torso!
Zoidberg: Hermes, quiet! I'm deducing things.

Hermes: Sweet giant anteater of Saint Anita! The Professor's been eaten by giant anteaters!
Zoidberg: What?
Hermes: If y'ask me, it's mighty suspicious! I'm gonna call the police... right after I flush some things.

Farnsworth: Well, Leela, care to give the What-If machine a whirl?
Leela: Maybe later. I-I mean, I don't know what to ask about.
Hermes: Come on, woman! Just pick something.
Fry: Yeah, be more impulsive. Like this.
He picks up a box of Admiral Crunch, tips the contents on his head and pours milk over it
Bender: Go, man! Go!
Fry eats the cereal from his head
Leela: I can be really impulsive. It just takes me a while.
Fry chops a banana onto his head

Hermes: Perhaps the Professor's files can clear things up. "Citation for public nudity", "Conspiracy to commit public nudity"... Aha! A new will! Naming... you as his sole heir.
Leela: That doesn't prove I killed him.
Hermes: It's a video will. It shows you killing him.

Hermes: We're jerked! Nothing can stop a monster that big.
Farnsworth: Nothing except an even equally big monster. This is chance to try out my experimental enlarging ray. But we'll need a guinea pig.

Amy: What happens if the fire goes out?
Hermes: We'll go across the street to Pottery Barn and steal their fire!
Farnsworth: We could use my new invention: A pointy rock tied to a stick.

Amy: The Professor can't walk all the way to the Bronx. How are we gonna get there without a hover-car?
Fry: Wait! In my time we had a way of moving things long distances without hovering.
Hermes: Impossible!
Fry: It was called... let me think. It was really famous - Ruth Gordon had one. The wheel!
Leela: Never heard of it.
Farnsworth: Show us this "the wheel".

Futurama Quotes

Dear Captain's Diary; I may not have found love on this mission but I did find a cute little companion who excretes starship fuel. And that's just as good.


Amy: Is it possible to get everyone back to normal using four or more bodies?
Professor: I'm not sure. I'm afraid we need to use... math!