There's all kinds of weird fetishes, like people are into weird costumes or... feet or... monogamy.

Billie: Sully just asked me out. Is it possible that at this stage of my girth where my skin is stretched to the point that it may never snap back that someone could find me attractive?
James: Yeah, it's possible.
Billie: Hah! Thank you.
James: If he's a freak!

James: I've got two simple rules that I live by: keep all my blood inside my body and have as many orgasms as possible. And anyone who's doing anything else is doing it wrong

You know, since you and I broke up, I'm... not going to lie -- I've been skewing kinda young. My new formula is my age divided by two minus three

Billie: Do you have some sort of bugging device?
James: What are you talking about?
Billie: You wait until Brian starts talking to me, then you pop up like a zit on prom night

Davis: Actually, I enjoy the word jumble. I think I'd be really good at writing those.
James: Are you finished?
Davis: You mean, am I ifnished?

Look, when we started dating, I told you I didn't want to get married again. And you said, "Oh my God! Do you own this plane?"

James: You should know that I know Krav Maga.
Zack: Fine, call him. I'll fight him, too!