Maura: You still have pain?
Jane: No, I just like saying ow.

Oh I like Byron, when anesthetized. Your turtle has a better bedside manner.

Maura: I just wish I knew what was causing that pain.
Jane: Again, I'm going with a 40 caliber bullet.

Taking a dirt path seems sort of, I don't know, unhealthy.

I can't remember the last time I had so much fun marinating in mud.

This reminds of the time I asked for a bunk bed and you surprised me with a pink canopy.

Jane: What's wrong?
Maura: Nothing.
Jane: Tell that to your face. It looks pretty bothered.

I'm not saying that we make her live in a refrigerator box. I'm just saying that she needs to be busy.

I'm not suggesting we're looking for a place that serves Flipper. I'm saying maybe there's a dolphin in the logo.

Maura: I just wanted to sleep with him. If only he didn't talk.
Jane: Or have a face licking fetish.

Jane: He's kind of like a bedbug.
Maura: Hard to eradicate.

Even you would look bad if a bullet had gone through you.