Is it Jean Claude van Overbite?

That's before he started using his name as a pun. It's making me so Changry.

Abed: Everyone be perfectly sincere. Humbugs are attracted to sarcasm.
Jeff: Wow. Somewhere out there Tim Burton just got a boner.

Abed: If I can find the meaning of Christmas, everything will go back to normal.
Jeff: Asterisk.

Troy: I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life, and I just found out you guys are just as dumb as me.
Britta: Da doi.
Jeff: Yeah. Da doi.

Jeff: There's a place at Third and Water. It's fun, divey but not staph infection divey. It's either got a gross name, or an ironically fancy one. Possibly both.
Britta: Oh, The Ball Toom. Good.

Jeff: I'm proud of Annie. She took to deception like Abed took to Cougar Town.
Abed: It's good.

Annie: There's a conspiracy here. A dark, vast conspiracy that just may that go all the way to the top.
Jeff: This is Greendale, Annie. If there is a conspiracy, it goes to slightly above the middle.

You even work too hard at passive-aggression.

Looks like someone sent us a message. A tiny, underwhelming message.

That is gonna be the worst book I ever read cover to cover.

Jeff: Annie, relax.
Britta: No you relax Jeff! Or are you afraid that if you do, my pen will fall out?!

Community Quotes

Jeff: Everyone on this campus is nuts
Leonard [in pool]: Not me!
Jeff: Oh come on Leonard, if you're going to argue with me, put on a bathing suit
Leonard: Busted

I've loved you since there was only one Soviet Union and one Damon Wayans.
