Karen: Lucas!
Lucas: You know that text message Dan just got? I sent it. I pretended to be Abby. You know, the girl who watched him murder Keith?!
Dan: Don't listen to him Karen, he's delusional.

Dan: What are you doing, Lucas?
Lucas: Protecting my mother. (pulls out a gun, points it at Dan)
Dan: You're gonna shoot me?
Lucas: Yes, I am. Just like you shot my uncle Keith.
Karen: Lucas, put that down!
Lucas: I can't.

Karen: Dan...
Dan: I have done some horrible things, unforgivable things. Lucas didn't need a father, he had one. He had the person who helped him bridge the shame of my cowardice. Everything I've touched has diminished: Deb's life, Nathan's talent. Keith-
Karen Roe: Come here. You're not without redemption. I've seen it, I see it!
Dan Scott:: That's not true, it's not true. I just wanna...wanna go back, you know. I just wanna go back. I... I wanna take that little kid that I used to be and just grab him and shake him and say you stop, stop, JUST STOP! I wanna wake up from this nightmare, you know, I wanna breathe again. I wanna, I wanna breathe again, Karen. Can you help me breathe? Can you help me quite these voices in my head that tell me that I've lost you? 'Cause I know I have... If only I would've stayed with you.

Welcome to my history, Haley James Scott.


Karen: Lucas, you know you don't have to come to every check up with me.
Lucas: It's okay, mom, I want to.
Karen: Lucas, why are you coming to every check up with me?
Lucas: Would Keith be at every checkup?
Karen: Probably, yeah.
Lucas: Well then, there's your answer.

Karen: We need to talk about this pregnancy.
Lucas: Keith would be so happy. I mean I can't believe you're having his baby.
Karen: I'm not talking about that pregnancy. Whose test did you find at the reception? Was it Brooke's?
Lucas: I'm not sure yet.
Karen: I'm your mother Lucas, and considering that I was pregnant at 17. I just want to know if history is repeating itself with my son and his girlfriend.

Haley: I have a question for you. I know you and Keith were engaged and it just, it just breaks my heart.
Karen: I know, I know.
Haley: Okay, um, Brooke, Brooke made me this, this dress and it is out of the material that she ordered for your wedding dress. And, I just wanted to ask you if it was okay if I wore it. And, if it's not it's fine she made another one that I can wear.
Karen: I'm so proud of you Haley. Have I told you that lately? You have got a wonderful soul Haley James Scott and you are going to make a beautiful bride in that dress.

Karen: Okay, listen to me. Before we left the lawyer who drew up the adoption papers called. He told me that ever since you were born Keith has been saving a fund for you for college. I didn't know about it myself. He dreamed your dream with you Lucas. And, if this is something that you really want then you have the grades, then you can have it. Because, Keith left it for you.
Lucas: God, I miss him so much.
Karen: He's always with you, always. You make him proud.
Lucas: I will.

Karen: My son, the next great American author.
Lucas: I don't know about that, ma.
Karen: And, UNC would be your dream school?
Lucas: Yea, sure, I mean if we had the money.

Karen: You know, this trip wasn't just about finding you a school. It was about finding a way back.
Lucas: To what?
Karen: To a place where it's okay to dream again. You know, you walked away from basketball so that you could live a long life. What are you gonna do with that life. What's your next dream, Lucas?
Lucas: Literature, you asked me about my future; if I could go to any college it would be to UNC to study literature.

Whitey: Karen I know what you're going through. I lost the love of my life too.
Karen: Yea, you had Camilla for a lifetime; I had Keith for a few weeks.
Whitey: Whose fault was that? (Karen slaps him) I'm glad to see you're still in there. Now, you listen to me. I said that because I know the guilt that you're caring around. And you're wrong to feel it. Feeling guilty is not gonna bring Keith back.
Karen: Don't I have a right to feel bad?
Whitey: You know Lucas was so broken up he couldn't play the last game? No, I didn't think so. Look Karen, you gave Keith the thing that he loved most in all the world, Lucas. He was never happier than when he was talking about you and that boy. You gave him a son for a lifetime and you let him matter to Lucas. I know how that feels. Karen, you couldn't have given him much more. Let the guilt fall away, let it go.

Karen: Haley? Are you Okay?
Haley: Yeah, if okay's, like, heels that are killing me and underwear that's digging into my ribcage and I'm about five minutes from going home and binging on cookie dough.

One Tree Hill Quotes

I found my other half.


Jerry: Dude, were you really just plunging toilets?
Mouth: Yeah, we really gotta stop serving tamales at happy hour.
Jerry: You know how guys are, huh?
Mouth: It was the girls' bathroom.