Bishop: Just give me the chance. Let me prove myself.
Gibbs: That why you went in after Caldwell? To prove yourself?
Bishop: What else am I supposed to do when you don't believe in me? I know what an 82 on an eval means.
Tony: I got to get a thing for my thing.
McGee: I'm going to help him with that thing
Gibbs: I'm doing things different now. High score means you did good. That's it.
Bishop: You pushed all the other probies. Why would you change things for me? Why?
Gibbs: Bishop.
Bishop: Why are you treating me different?
Gibbs: You know what I want to say to you, for letting Caldwell get away?
Bishop: Something other than "it's fine".
Gibbs: You're damned right.
Bishop: Then say it! You're going easy on me. For Caldwell, for the eval. You've been going easy on me since day one, haven't you?

Carrie: Why do you insist on meeting me here? And don't tell me it's the food.
Gibbs: Good people. Honest people. Hungry people. Club sandwich isn't half bad.
Carrie: I'm sorry about your dad.
Gibbs: He would have loved to have met you.
Carrie: Rumor has it he was as challenging as his son.
Gibbs: Yeah well, there's an understatement.
Carrie: I like a good challenge.

Dillon: So?
Gibbs: So, they won't understand, they don't know you are, they don't know what you've done. We want to help.
Dillon: Well I'm glad to hear that but it's too late sir. I called 911. I tried to help those kids and one's dad.
Gibbs: Yeah but two are alive because of you.
Dillon: There should be three. I hesitated.
Gibbs: Can't blame yourself.
Dillon: He was alive when I got there, he was dead when I left. I know I could have done more.

McGee: Boss can you give that to someone else? I can't take it anymore. I said from the beginning that this wasn't going to work. It's a waste of time. These guys are criminals, they're not worth it.
Gibbs: McGee. Rule 51
McGee: 51? What...?
Gibbs: I wrote it down once.

Gibbs: McGee!
McGee: Boss I did not say anything. I don't know how everyone seems to know.
Gibbs: Know what? There is nothing to know. Got that?
McGee: Got it.

Zoe: Relax, Spider. They know about us.
Tony: Who knows?
Everyone: We all know.
Gibbs: It's about time. Geeze.
Tony: How did you find out?
McGee: We're trained investigators, my friend.
Zoe: And in honor of us coming out, Tony is going to buy everyone drinks.
Tony: I am?
Zoe: Yeah. You are. C'mon. Get your coat.
Tony: Yeah, boss.

Hegarty: Disaffected young western males, here and in Europe are targeted by terrorist recruiters. Most are troubled kids, seeking redemption and violent action.
Vance: And they buy into jihad?
Hegarty: Media-savvy militants in Iraq and Syria post graphic photos and slip recruitment videos on Facebook and Twitter. Reach right into a kid's bedroom. Parents have no idea what's going on. This is Cleavon Smith, a former Detroit gang member, born again Muslim, who was known as Abu Hussein when he died last week on the killing fields of Syria's civil war.
Gibbs: Do we know how many Americans are fighting in Syria?
Hegarty: About a dozen. We can stop them from returning. It's the ones we don't know about that are the concern, like this Nasry you've uncovered.

Vance: We're going to get the bastard.
Gibbs: You checking up on me Leon? I'm fine.
Vance: Are you, Gibbs?
Gibbs: He had a chance to kill me and he didn't.
Vance: Cause he wants you to torture yourself like you're doing right now.
Gibbs: I'm not going to give him that satisfaction.

Hollis: It's your fault Diane's dead. That's what you're thinking.
Gibbs: I'm not wrong.
Hollis: You didn't pull the trigger.
Gibbs: I put her in the cross-hairs. He wanted to make it personal. Still does. I'm figuring it out. But you being around me makes you a target. So that's why you're shutting me out?
Gibbs: I don't need you mixed up in this. I don't need you mixed up in me!
Hollis: It's not your call. I'll take my chances. I can handle myself. Hmm?
Gibbs: Copy that.

Meade: I'd watch your tone, Agent Gibbs. I don't think SecNav would appreciate NCIS treating an Admiral like a criminal.
Gibbs: Oh, we already talked to SecNav. How did she phrase it?
Hollis: Nail the son of a bitch.
Meade: For what?
Hollis: Killing Lieutenant Kutzler's first Medal of Honor nomination.

Riley: Is this what you meant when you said "trust you" Agent Gibbs?
Gibbs: Our office had nothing to do with that.
Riley: They are dragging Eric's name through the mud. It's exactly what I was afraid would happen.
Gibbs: Why don't we take this to the conference room.
Riley: No, no no. There's nothing to talk about. The damage is already done. I thought you were a man of honor. You got me. Hey but what's one dead gay sailor, right?

Gibbs: Where is Hollis Mann?
Bishop: Uh, I think she went back to the DoD.
Gibbs: You think? What do you mean, you think?
Tony: We've been at this all night. We're all a little tired. Why don't we take a break, get some air.
Gibbs: No, there is no break. There's no breaks until this case breaks.
Tony: Never get personally involved in a case. You're breaking rule number 10 boss.
Gibbs: You're damned right I am DiNozzo. You have a problem with that?

NCIS Quotes

Bishop: Seriously? How'd you get that?
Tony: Well, it's like Gorillas in the Midst. You'll get to understand his grunts.

Torres: When I break out the glass, maybe I can rip out the bars.
Bishop: With what? Your superhuman strength?