McGee: What did Bishop say?
Gibbs: We should go to church.
Torres: Oh, my mom would be so happy right now…

DiNozzo Senior: It’s about Judith. Your ex-lover.
Gibbs [chokes]: My what?!

Parents always love their kids. No matter what happens.

Gibbs: Why use kids?
Rousseau: Why do fish swim? For the same reason disenfranchised children rise up to find their purpose. They simply must. It is inevitable.

Franks: For every one you've lost, how many have you saved?
Gibbs: I haven't saved enough.
Franks: What about yourself? Who's going to save you?

SecNav Porter: Agent Gibbs, with your reputation, I expected Parsa to be disposed of long before now. So, do tell me, please: what sort of help am I not providing?
Gibbs: Influence.

Never accept an apology from someone who just sucker punched you. (Season 9, Episode 16)

Rule #42

You do what you have to for family.

Unwritten Rule

The best way to keep a secret? Keep it to yourself. Second best? Tell one other person, if you must. There is no third best. (Season 4, Episode 11)

Rule #4

Cabot: As you know, the Navy is trying harder than ever to eradicate sexual assault in their ranks.
Gibbs: Was Ensign Tate a rape suspect?
Cabot: Right to the point, as always. No Gibbs, Tate was a second-party complainant. He reported an assault on behalf of a friend.

First things first. Hide the women and children. (Season 7, Episode 23)

Rule #44

Chegwidden: According to IG records your team isn't just sending people to jail, they're sending them to the morgue.
Gibbs: Yeah, sometimes.
Chegwidden: Ari Haswari, Agent Michelle Lee, Payloma Reynosa, Harper Dearing.
Gibbs: There was no other choice.
Chegwidden: There's always a choice. The question is: were their deaths absolutely necessary?
Gibbs: Nothing I wouldn't do again.
Chegwidden: Please tell me you're not going to say that in court.
Gibbs: I won't be in court.

NCIS Quotes

Bishop: Seriously? How'd you get that?
Tony: Well, it's like Gorillas in the Midst. You'll get to understand his grunts.

Torres: When I break out the glass, maybe I can rip out the bars.
Bishop: With what? Your superhuman strength?