Vance: You're here on administrative duty. With DiNozzo away, I figure McGee and Bishop would appreciate your support. In the office, not in the field.
Gibbs: Look. Leon I'm not going try and sit here and tell you I'm 100%...but chaining me to a desk?
Vance: You can take it, or go home.

Vance: Apparently your walk included a visit with Matthew Rousseau. Would you mind telling me why?
Gibbs: Just following up.
Vance: With your pen stuck in his hand?
Gibbs: Is that where I left it?

Taft: My wife and I lost our son two years ago. Leukemia. If I wasn't back at it, I'd be nowhere. Literally.
Gibbs: Well I'm glad you're back at it.
Taft: Are you?
Gibbs: What does that mean?
Taft: Just a feeling I get. You see, I have two kinds of patients. Those who revere me for saving their lives. And those who despise me for the same reason. Which one are you, Gibbs?
Gibbs: Things are changing. Can't do it alone.
Taft: I've met your team. Who says you're alone?

Vance: Your personal connection to Agent Donneget was unknown inside NCIS, present company excluded, per your son's request. Ned didn't want anyone to know about his government pedigree.
Gibbs: He wanted the respect of his co-workers, that he was a good agent.
Vance: And he was a damned good one.
Teague: And that was very Ned. He didn't want people to know where he came from.

Luke: People are dead because of me.
Gibbs: You didn't kill anybody. You're trying to help now. That counts for something.
Luke: An agent died.
Gibbs: Yeah.
Luke: The Calling is responsible. What if I could show you exactly who killed my parents?

Gibbs: Why use kids?
Rousseau: Why do fish swim? For the same reason disenfranchised children rise up to find their purpose. They simply must. It is inevitable.

Gibbs: One name. One name! Who is he?
Rousseau: These western time zones elude me. What time is it in Arizona? I think we've missed the afternoon tour.

Franks: For every one you've lost, how many have you saved?
Gibbs: I haven't saved enough.
Franks: What about yourself? Who's going to save you?

Gibbs: Why a grab a kid under federal custody?
Sadiq: Because he was in custody.
Gibbs: He's seen us, names, locations, all of it. We're targets.
Teague: They will get the information out of him.
Sadiq: And there is nothing you can do about it.

You know, I don't like to talk either. You talk too much people end up thinking they heard things you never said.

Gibbs: I had a daughter. She used to to sit right there at the table where you were. She took my pocket knife from me once. Knife wasn't a toy and she knew that. She climbed up here. And she took that knife and she carved her initials right in the back of that cabinet there. And lost the best pocket knife that I ever had.
Luke: What'd you do?
Gibbs: I scolded her. Grounded her. Then I forgave her.
Luke: I'm nothing. I'm nothing! Everyone hates me! Just kill me! That's what they want! That's what I want!

Vance: Blackmail Bayar to help us, DIA is none the wiser. That's the plan?
Gibbs: Yeah. You got a better one, Leon?
Vance: Word of advice, don't get caught.

NCIS Quotes

Bishop: Seriously? How'd you get that?
Tony: Well, it's like Gorillas in the Midst. You'll get to understand his grunts.

Torres: When I break out the glass, maybe I can rip out the bars.
Bishop: With what? Your superhuman strength?