Peter: On the way back, we're stopping at that Down syndrome camp we passed.
Lois: Peter, that was the University of Florida.

That sounds awfully lonely, like being an NBA player on the road.

Lois: You guys shouldn't have done this!
Stewie: Hey, any time you can celebrate the end of someone's periods.

Oh, I wouldn't worry about it, Bonnie. I've put Stewie in the oven a bunch of times. As long as you come to your senses within 15 minutes, everything's fine.

Lois: He seems nice.
Peter: Sorry, I missed all that. I was tweeting.

Lois: And this is Meg's brother Chris.
Kent: Oh yeah, I've seen you around school. You eat with the deaf kids, right?
Chris: One of them isn't all the way deaf.
Kent: What grade are you in again?
Chris: It's still being worked out by a team of counselors.

Meg, are you asking in this day and age, when the CEO of Xerox is a woman, when the president of Brazil is a woman, even Rosie O'Donnell is a woman, whether it's appropriate for a girl to ask a boy out on a date? Of course it's appropriate! It's also sad and desperate and I would never do it, but you're not me, are you sweetie?

Honey, give me any laundry you have. I'm doing a diapers-and-Meg load.

Lois: We made it! We proved that we're not second best!
Ross Fishman: Well, look who finally got here!
Lois: You beat us?
Pam Fishman: Don't feel too bad. We only beat you by one hour, twelve minutes, and forty-two seconds.
Ross: And quite frankly, we're bored of it up here. So you guys enjoy it, we're gonna head back down.

Lois: Peter, you left the flap open!
Peter: It's like a thousand degrees in here, Lois!
Lois: Close the tent now, it's freezing!
Peter: Headline: "Woman Cold."

Peter: Guys, be sure to look down the whole time. It's really deep and freaky and disoritenting! [falls] It's okay, there'a huge pile of dead bodies down here that cushioned my fall.
Lois: Do any of them seem like they have any extra tampons in their backpack?
Peter Uh, no.
Lois: No like you checked and there aren't any no, or no you're just assuming?
Peter: I'm embarassed.

Hey, it's cooked food in another house. That's exciting for light older women like me.

Family Guy Quotes

Aunt Margarite [on her video will]: Lois, you were always my favorite niece; I just knew you would find a wonderful man who would make all your dreams come true. But I was wrong.
Peter: And now you're dead. Score one for Peter

But now that you mention it, your face looks like a used condom.
