Pete: Done! I win! Ha ha ha ha!
Myka: It's not a race.
Pete: Said the tortoise to the hare.
Myka: You know, in the story, the tortoise actually wins.
Pete: It's a fairy tale. How is a turtle going to beat a rabbit?
Myka: It's not a fairy tale. It's a fable, a life lesson. "Slow and steady wins the race."
Pete: Here's a life lesson. Pete fast, Pete win.

Myka: We don't even know what we're looking for.
Pete: Why would this time be any different?"

Myka: What's he in for?
Pete: He killed his wife. A lot.

Myka: You use soap on a rope?
Pete: Hey, I don't judge your personal hygiene products. Although you might wanna invest and get some moisturizers. You look a little dry around the nose.
Myka: Oh, you want to swap beauty tips. Then we can talk about the hair that's sprouting from your shoulders, your nose, and, your, umm, ears.

Hurting is half the fun. You want to know what's more fun? The other half.

Myka: Is there anything you don't play with?
Pete: Umm... no.

Myka: Having intel in the field keeps an agent alive, Pete. But Artie acts like keeping us alive is not a priority. To him we're just...
Pete: Redshirts?
Myka: Yeah.
Pete: Okay. First, he doesn't think we're redshirts. And second, that's so cool you knew what I meant.

Pete: Use your feminine wiles. Smile. You're pretty when you smile.
Myka: I am?
Pete: Yeah.
Myka: So what does that mean when I'm not smiling?
Pete: Kind of frightening.

Myka: Hey, partner. How are you feeling?
Pete: Sore. Everywhere. Need cookies.

Myka: She's out of your league.
Pete: How do you know what my league is?
Myka: Not that I asked for them, but I've got season tickets.
Pete: That's good, I like that.

Myka: But it's still just a well-executed art theft. I mean, it doesn't automatically shout "warehouse," does it.
Artie: Things rarely shout "warehouse." They usually whisper, "Hey, that's a little odd."

Pete: Let me guess, you speak Latin too.
Myka: Okay. Make one more nerd joke and I'm going to point out how you're losing your hair.