Then I would have seen Criss's muscular back.

Jack: Your life is tied to the fate of the ring. It must be destroyed.
Pete: Are you quoting The Lord of the Rings?
Jack: No, I'm quoting myself talking to Bruce Willis.

Jack: Your evaluation gave me pause.
Pete: Are you sure? Those look like hands to me.

Liz: Jenna accused me of trying to destroy her because her lines didn't have any K sounds, which she thinks is the funniest sound
Pete: Oh my God. My cousin Karl crashed his car. And now he is in a coma at the Kendall Clinic.

Damn it! I have to write a 40 word exit evaluation of Kenneth. I wish I was dead!

When your kid throws a tantrum and holds his breath, you hold your breath too. When you regain consciousness, believe me, he's ready to leave the toy store.

Pete: Take out from Hooters!
Frank: That makes no sense.
Pete: We'll know they touched it!

Pete: What? No you can't do that!
Jenna: That's what your wife told me in the shower this morning.

Pete: I'm the producer of the show.
Reggie: Right, that's what your wife told me in the shower this morning.

Kenneth: How was substitute teaching sir?
Pete: Just like Lean On Me, in that a guy who looks like Morgan Freeman swung a bat at me.

Last time I taught I was like Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society, by which I mean I got fired.

We Hornbergers are famous cowards. On D-Day, my grandfather wore a German uniform under his American one...just in case.