Booth: You know, Bones, I wouldn't vote for you, but I would definitely encourage other people to vote for you.
Bones: That's irrational.
Booth: So is politics. And love.

Booth: It was beautiful and rare, just like you.
Bones: You should leverage the tiger buyer into ratting out whoever he bought the tiger from?
Booth: Did you hear what I just said? It was very sweet.

Bones: When I am President, killing tigers will be a death penalty offense.
Booth: Whoa. The President isn't actually a dictator, Bones.

[to Sweets] It's Daisy. She's smiling and looking happy. What's the big deal?

Bones, no campaigning while we're doing the investigation, okay?

Brennan: Can I start buying you things now?
Booth: No, you can't. But, hey, I'll tell you what, you can buy Christine stuff.
Brennan: I know you'd like a new grill.
Booth: Christine would love a new grill.

Ms. Julian: You're gonna have to settle with running around, shooting people until you grow up.
Booth: Well, you wouldn't love me any other way, right?

Sweets: The dead husband showed up. Alive.
Booth: Bones made a mistake?
Sweets: I know, it's even starting to sound weird to me.

Booth: Don't do that. Not that look. Please. Don't give me the sad eyes.
Brennan: Please?
Booth: Ah, come on! No, I'm not looking. I'm driving.
Brennan: Come on.
Booth: Oh, you were never able to do this look before the baby! What did the baby do to you?

Look, when you're ready to help, you call me.

Let's not change our lives for this guy, ok?

Because you care so much about our daughter.

Bones Quotes

You're looking at her fruits?

Booth[to Sweets]

Brennan: What have you done?
Hodgins: Baking soda. It's not just for cooking any more.

Bones Music

  Song Artist
Fearless Cyndi Lauper iTunes
The World Is... Matthew Ryan iTunes
Song Rain Or Shine Matthew Perryman Jones