I thought people wanted a candidate that was for something. That's why I took that pro-deportation stance.

I am running at 6 percent, well behind Undecided, That rapist running from prison and I don't care, Please don't call me during dinner.

I'm gonna stop you right there Becky. Have you ever heard of menopause?

Sue: Your nickname is Panda Express.
Howard: But I'm not Chinese.
Sue: Neither is the food at Panda House.

Honey Badger I am lactating with rage!

Now we can get all HMO up in your Glee hole or you can tell me who put you up to spiking the punch bowl.

You know what they say? Those who can't, teach. Turns out, maybe you actually can. Think about that the next time you prop your butt chin up on one of those little toilets.

I'm pretty sure that barista is onto me. Now I'm Ann Coulter. As you may have noticed, I'm coming slightly unhinged.

Sandy how do you manage to enter a building without setting off all of the fire alarms?

Sue: And as you ponder your decision, I ask that you remember that that cannon has 2 little baby twin cannons, and one more on the way, and if you refuse to sign this, well, those little baby cannons might just go hungry.
Brittany: Baby cannons...
Sue: And the mama cannon has fibromyalgia so she can't work.

Hello, Tweedle Stupid, Tweedle Fake Boobs.

I didn't sleep with that drummer. The drummer I slept with was from Jimmy Eat World.

Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
