Sue: You're just like every teenage girl in America: obsessed with vanity. Before you know it, you'll be leaving baggies of vomit in your parents' closet.

I haven't had a solid meal since 1987.

I'm sure Figgins will mumble something nervously and then pretend to take a phone call. I happen to be blackmailing him.

I will no longer be carrying around photo ID. Know why? People should know who I am.

How do you two not have a show on Bravo?

Mercedes, your vocal chords have had more fantastic runs than a Kenyan track team.

I'm gonna leave constant reinvention to Madonna.

I make fun of Will's hair because I'm jealous. There. I said it.

Mercedes: That would make you, like, 30.
Sue: 29.

My parents were famous Nazi hunters, so they weren't around a lot.

I just lost my train of thought because you have so much margarine in your hair.

Madonna belongs to me and I will not be copied. It's in my contract.

Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
