Booth: Show one person who doesn't like a one man band.
Brennan: I'm sure many don't like them which is why they're such a rarity.

We're here to inform you that your brother has been murdered and that corn is not a vegetable.

You nurture me. You protect me. You are my home. If I were to damage that by a meaningless dalliance, it would be like killing myself -- something I would never do.

Nothing more romantic than a man who can handle himself in a kitchen.

Brennan: Why are you smiling at me?
Fuentes: You and I. I sense tension. I think soon we'll make love.

Brennan: If you disappoint me, I will dismiss you.
Fuentes: How Cuban of you. She is fiery.
Cam: Yes. Be careful. We've all been burned.

Booth: OK. You're saying that Jesus and Superman are the same?
Brennan: Jesus walks on water. Superman flies. No different.

Fisher: Well I feel inadequate.
Brennan: You work with me, Mr. Fisher. I would have thought you'd be used to that by now.

Brennan: You're late Mr. Fisher:
Fisher: Apologies. I was watching the news and wondering if it was even worth getting dressed.

I need to get back to the lab. Hopefully this is murder and I will see you soon.

Filmore: You know, in Canada we have a saying. Wait your turn. If you are truly deserving, an honor will eventually come to you.
Brennan: That's why I don't live in Canada.

Brennan: What are you writing now?
Filmore: Just an observation that Americans are hubristic and Canadians must deal with this challenge in future cooperative ventures.

Bones Quotes

You're looking at her fruits?

Booth[to Sweets]

Brennan: What have you done?
Hodgins: Baking soda. It's not just for cooking any more.

Bones Music

  Song Artist
Fearless Cyndi Lauper iTunes
The World Is... Matthew Ryan iTunes
Song Rain Or Shine Matthew Perryman Jones