Jenna: You're back!
Tracy: Yeah and this is my front. Thanks for setting me up with another classic quote.

Why don't you shut your mouth, back that ass up, and make me a sandwich!

Liz: You're off the leash Tracy.
Tracy: It's not a leash. It's a very long skin tag.

I'm doing God's work here in Africa. Why just yesterday I kicked two naked people out of a garden.

Can my friend Cheese go with us on our honeymoon?

Pete: You ever hear of the Peter Principle?
Tracy: Yes! Just now.

Cornell Commencement address? Sorry but Tracy Jordan doesn't do safety schools.

Hello. Good sweatshirt. How are you sweatshirting this sweatshirt?

Five years ago I saved your show! I rode in here on a white horse that you made me leave in the lobby.

Liz: Your online romance prank was not funny. I fell in love with you!
Tracy: You wore a yellow hat to that coffee shop.

Liz: I hope you didn't have plans tonight.
Tracy: No. I wasn't going to buy two blimps and crash them into each other to see what kind of sound they made.

Let's do it again from the top. I want to get it perfect, because perfection is my middle name. Unclaimed Perfection Baby Boy.