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I think you might be right.

Abigail: These words are not easy for me to say, but here it goes. I’m sorry.

Donovan: Oh.

Abigail: What you told me, I guess it took me by surprise.

Donovan. I, I guess.

Abigail: And I did this to try and make it up to you.

Donovan: That’s nice.

Abigail: Donovan. I. I.

Donovan: If you can’t say it, it’s OK.

Abigail: I’m thinking it in my head, but the word can’t come out of my mouth.

Donovan: Maybe you’re putting too much pressure on yourself.

Abigail: No, I’m telling you I physically can’t say it! I think it’s the curse.

Donovan: You know what, I think I’m just gonna call it a night.

Abigail: No! I can prove to you that it’s real.

Donovan: The Curse?

Abigail: No! How I feel about you! I, I literally spelt it out! [a gust of wind blows flower petals spelling out I love you off the couch] This isn’t happening!

Donovan: I think you might be right.