Dr. Banks: What happened between us the other day, it can’t happen again.
Keon: Okay.
Dr. Banks: Not at work.
Keon: So what about other places?
Dr. Banks: Keon, I like you a lot. Don’t get smug about it. There is a power dynamic between us that we, that I need to address.
Keon: I don’t mind you being incharge, if that’s what you’re asking.
Dr. Banks: Well, I do. In the delivery room, I have to be, but not in a relationship. It’s gotta be 50-50.
Keon: Cool. So we can just take turns being boss in the bedroom.
Dr. Banks: I am a single mother with a busy practice. I don’t have time-
Keon: You sure got a lot of excuses though.
Dr. Banks: Keon, we’re in very different places in our lives, and you need to ask yourself if you’re going to be okay with what I have the capacity to give.