Isabella: I love making new friends.
Michelle: I’m Michelle, by the way.
Isabella: I’m Lisa.

Brent: Luke wouldn’t have wanted this.
Steve: Well, it’s not my first choice either. But Megan is the one on that tape, not Isabella. So…
Brent: How could you do this to her? How could you do this to Debbie? It’s not fair!
Steve: Fair? Fair?! Grow up. That’s not how life works.

Because I’m not going to let you take the fall for this. Luke really loved you.


Yeah, being on the water all day? That’s a hobby. That’s not real life.


Don’t say a word about tonight. To anyone.


Luke: When I got to the emergency contact stuff, I realized technically it’s my dad. But really, you’re my case of everything.
Megan: Luke! That’s…
Luke: You believe in me more than anyone else. At least since my mom. I don’t know what I would do with you.
[They kiss]

Steve: I’m sick of trying to fix you.
Luke: That’s bullshit! You don’t care about me. You’ve never cared about me.
Steve: Excuse me?
Luke: Brent is your only real son. I’m just this constant disappointment to you.
Steve: Okay, we’re gonna have a little pity party now?
Luke: You’ve just resented me ever since the night of the accident, and you know it! You wish I were the one who died that night.

Isabella: Well, yeah. I mean I’m just saying if I were hella paranoid, I’d put them somewhere completely unlikely. Like with my taxes or in a totally different database, right?
Megan: That’s actually really smart.
Isabella: You could be less surprised. Reading people is like my superpower.
Megan: You do have a talent for it.

Isabella: Luke, if Brent didn’t make the sex tape between you and Megan, who did?
Luke: I did.

Tim: Yo, Isabella? You wanna get wet?
Isabella: Ummm, only if it’s for charity. Which, I guess is you? But still, nah, I’m good.
Parker: Wow, Tim and his limp hose.

Isabella: What are you doing?
Megan: Looking for you!
Luke: We wanted to figure out what to do tonight.
Isabella: Oh. Cool.
Megan: What are you up for? You always have the best ideas.
Isabella: Absolutely anything.

Megan: Do you think that you could hack into the court’s database and erase it?
Ned: I wish I could, but I mean, once something like that is in the system, there’s a paper trail. It’s too late.
Megan: Damn it. You were my last hope. My last chance.

Freeform Quotes

Jace: You experimented on me?
Valentine: I made you stronger, faster; more lethal than any other Shadowhunter.
Jace: Why?
Valentine: To create the perfect weapon, the ideal marriage of good and evil: A Shadowhunter with pure demon blood.

Isabelle: Any word from the Clave?
Lydia: Not yet. We've been trying for the past four hours. Something's up.
Magnus: Hmmm. The Clave being unhelpful? Who's shocked?! Show of hands.