I know you threw Bodnar off that ship, and I know that you killed your own brother Ari. Yet there has been no punishment for either. Like Gibbs you just forget and move on. Until now. It's only a matter of time.


Chegwidden: According to IG records your team isn't just sending people to jail, they're sending them to the morgue.
Gibbs: Yeah, sometimes.
Chegwidden: Ari Haswari, Agent Michelle Lee, Payloma Reynosa, Harper Dearing.
Gibbs: There was no other choice.
Chegwidden: There's always a choice. The question is: were their deaths absolutely necessary?
Gibbs: Nothing I wouldn't do again.
Chegwidden: Please tell me you're not going to say that in court.
Gibbs: I won't be in court.

Mindy: Oh my god Casey!
Casey: What?
Mindy: Your penis just knocked off my glasses!
Casey: Sorry, that's tent living you know?

You're too high maintenace. In Haiti you're not going to be able to have your Jimmy Choos and Wally Wongs and what have you's.


Mindy: Baby, you like your boobs between an A and a B?
Casey: Indecisive boobs are like my thing now you know?

Ziva: Gibbs you cannot do this alone. You have to let us help.
Gibbs: Hey - it is not your job!
Ziva: It is not about my job. This is about my family!

Ziva: I'm sorry if I hurt you in all of this. It was never intended. Tony, I care too much about our...friendship. I do not want it to be awkward between us.
Tony: Hey. [Kisses her forehead.] Nothing's awkward between friends.

Morrow: There's a connection between the death of that Navy Seal and what's happening with your team.
Vance: What kind of connection?
Morrow: The murder of Eli David opened a political can of worms that was much bigger than anyone expected.
Vance: Eli and Arash Kazmi wanted to forget a peace. But Bodnar killing them opened the door.
Morrow: Homeland and the CIA wait for chances like this, to stir the pot. Distract governments so that all sorts of recon can happen. The CIA needed Iran to believe Mossad was responsible.
Vance: Are you telling me that Bodnar didn't kill Kazmi?
Morrow: I'm telling you we did it, Leon. The CIA took out Kazmi that night so that Bodnar would end up being the fall guy. Iran and Israel could duke it out while we focused on the real threat. We're all so damned worried about Iran and North Korea when the real threat is here, on home soil.
Vance: It's a shell game isn't it? Keep people distracted.
Morrow: Leon you see why I wanted you to keep your distance?

Vance: Tom Morrow may have a solve. We pull it off this could all go away.
Gibbs: For all of us?
Vance: Clean slate.
Gibbs: What's the catch?
Vance: It might kill you.
Gibbs: So could a bag of clams.
Vance: [laughs] We sure picked one hell of a career didn't we Gibbs?
Gibbs: Got to make a living Leon.

Elizabeth: There are so many cool traditions at this thing! The groom comes in on a white horse!
Schmidt: So, basically, they're just copying my bar mitzvah.

It's only romantic because it's a wedding. I'd be just as happy to sabotage, I don't know, let's say, her tax audit.


I don't think the badger's actually rabid, I think he's just kind of a dick.
