Abby: Spies listen to the radio?
Huck: Anything high-tech you can break into. With a radio, you can't trace where it comes from, you can't trace who's listening. The radio is how we talk to each other, how all spies talk to each other. All around the world. You listen every day and every day there's no message. Years go by and decades and there's no message and then one day you listen and the code word comes.
Abby: And then what happens?
Huck: It's time to come home.

Let's just say that we did things, things that would make it hard for you to sing the National Anthem and mean in. In the name of national security, we were the bad guys.


Huck: We are in my wheelhouse now...I'm supposed to be a ghost. If my name, and not my real name, but Huck, my name, the alias that goes with this life at Pope and Associates, if my name is on a list, it's time to disappear. So I can't stop.
Pope: Crosby sent the list to me, the check is in my name, too, so whatever this is, whatever I'm supposed to protect you against, that's in my wheelhouse, and we can fix this.

Abby: Huck was a trained killer spy.
Harrison: I don't think 'was' enters into it. Once a killer spy, always a killer spy, right?

Thank you all for coming to our Beer and Beef and Jesus. As you know, I'm as sick as a three-legged dog on the streets of India. Any minute, my lungs are going to sizzle pop and disintegrate into a liquid lung and organ gumbo soup.

Charlie's Mom

Never a good idea to start the day with a Denver omelette and a Schlitz.


Charlie's Mom: I don't like this speech. The speech is too graphic.
Mac: It needs to be graphic to get their attention! (to Charlie) This bitch is driving me crazy.

Charlie's Mom: I feel like I'm lying.
Mac: You're not lying, Mrs. Kelly. You're really dying of cancer.
Artemis: It's devouring your insides, but we need it to look like it's devouring your outsides so it plays better for our audience (winks at Charlie and Mac).

Mac: It's the Holy Trinity: Beef and beer and Jesus.

I have so much to thank you guys for. Not just for making every day of my life an absolute joy, but for giving me this chance to share that joy with others.


We'll just head back to the hotel and pray over some Pinot Grige and a bowl full of mussels.


[to Blaine] Relationships are about trust. And I don't trust you anymore.
