Don't worry about getting to your point. I am going to live forever.


"I'm been a G.E. man for 30 years. And a G.E woman for one week of corporate espionage on Revlon."


You know my uncle was a tinkerer... until the FBI shot him.


Jenna: I'm the hot blonde...
Tracy: And I'm the nerd who takes off his glasses and everyone realizes he's handsome.

Jack: Lemon that's the smartest thing you've ever said.
Liz: Really? What about three years ago when I said there should be more tv shows about cake?

College wasn't that fun Jack. Sure, the first two weeks are nice.


Liz: I always forget you used to be poor.
Jack: Thank you.

Your boos are not scaring me. I know most of you are not ghosts.


Liz women wearing men's watches is so over. The new thing is to get an Adam's Apple.


It's like the thing I said in another movie I made, compromises are for lesser souls. Die werewolf zombie.


You are going to win, and when you do I'll be furious. Like waking up next to Rob Schneider furious.


Sabotage? But I'm the one who does that to me.


30 Rock Season 5 Quotes

Jack: My naturally blonde lady love and I basked in the three S's: surf, sun and ...
Liz: Sandwiches?

No Tom Jones, no!

Liz (wakes up)