Cop: And if he just decided to shoot at us with the cannon? 
Carlos: Duck. 

  • Permalink: Duck. 
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Vazquez: You have no idea how that feels. No idea.
Owen: Oh, but I do, lieutenant. You see, on 9/11, the one day this country swore it would never forget, it did. Those of us who were there that day we don't have that luxury. We don't get to forget, and I know too many people who survived that day only to die years later forgotten because their problems were too expensive and too inconvenient, so yeah, I understand your rage. 

Do not make your daughter a footnote to something stupid you do today in her name.


Charles: Hey, doesn't your mom look like a boss?
Twins: Mama is the boss.

Rosewater: She abandoned us, Nancy. For some new rando captain who hasn't been on the job in forever. You realize how much EMS changed since 2013?
Marjan: I remember 2013.
Paul: Live concerts.
T.K.: Nightclubs.
Mateo: Hugs. 

  • Permalink: Hugs. 
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Judd: So first day; I know it's not the most fun circumstances, but how ya feel?
Tommy: Like I need a lot of Jesus and a little bit of Jack.

A guest stops being a guest after a month or four. From that point on, you're a squatter.


Charles: Like the scripture says, "We rejoice in our suffering."
Tommy: Well, I wish this last year hadn't given us quite so much to rejoice about.
Charles: You and me both, baby. You and me both.

Owen: Hey, Cap, I think we're going to have some fun.
Tommy: You bet your ass we are.

Tommy: You're my hero. You know that?
Charles: Really? You're the one who's climbing up a tower and getting shot at.

Owen: Gwyn, remember when you said we both know what this is?  I'm not sure we do, or what it could be, but do you want to find out?
Gwyn: Are you sure you aren't just trying to get out of driving me to the airport?
Owen: I was going to get an uber. 
Gwyn: This could end in homicide. 
Owen: It could, but how many times are we going to get a second chance at the best relationship of our lives?

9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

Vazquez: You have no idea how that feels. No idea.
Owen: Oh, but I do, lieutenant. You see, on 9/11, the one day this country swore it would never forget, it did. Those of us who were there that day we don't have that luxury. We don't get to forget, and I know too many people who survived that day only to die years later forgotten because their problems were too expensive and too inconvenient, so yeah, I understand your rage. 

Cop: And if he just decided to shoot at us with the cannon? 
Carlos: Duck. 

  • Permalink: Duck. 
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