My mom, my aunties, my grannies, they taughtme to be proud of who I am no matter what other people say, and I carry that with me every time I wear it.


Michelle: She called me that night more than once, and I didn't pick up. And I have to live with that, and it still kills me.
Dustin: You're not the only one who lost her.
Michelle: I know.

Judd: My last crew died in front of me. Not my crew, they were my brothers. At night when I'm trying to go to sleep, I see them. When I hear a car backfire, I see them. Sometimes I see them for no reason at all. When you and Marjan went under, something happened to me I got, um ...
TK: Triggered.
Judd: I was going to say stirred me up, but same thing. I didn't get after you because I was mad. I was scared. But I didn't want you to know that um, you know ...
TK: Thank you, for calling me out. You were right, man. No one has ever talked to me like that. I appreciate it.
Judd: Hey man, that's what brothers do.

You're right, I am sick. And lately, I've been feeling really old. Neither of which isn't putting me in a great mood. That woman is in pain, and you are causing her more pain. She devotes her whole life to helping people, and now you're going to help her. You have a good night.


Marjan: Am I proud, yeah? And weirdly ashamed at the same time.
Paul: Yeah,I feel that. This mosque do you like it?
Marjan: Yeah. Yeah I do.
Paul: Then do not let them shame you for being proud. I say you strut in there with your hijab held high.

Marjan: You're kind of creepy, you know that?
Paul: I just see what I see.

TK: You know I'm holding a dart.
Carlos: You know I'm packing a piece.
TK: That's hot.

You know, if I was a less secure man I might be annoyed that I worked up the nerve to ask you out only for you to spend the entire time talking about another man.


Mosque goer: Some of the sisters here are concerned.
Marjan: About my hair?
Mosque goer: About your lack of modesty.

Carlos: If you want to find out where Iris went, you're going to need to swallow your pride.
Michelle: I'd rather swallow glass.

Ever since I got here, I just feel gray. I feel numb all the time. I guess I just wanted to feel something.


I'm not trying to be your boyfriend, or not even your friend if you're not into it. But you should talk to someone about why you feel so compelled to do something so suicidal.


9-1-1: Lone Star Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Paul: What the hell is going on?
Judd: We are having a conversation.
Paul: Yeah, with a bunch of exclamation points.

It must be nice that you got to move to the front of the line before everyone else could get a shot.
