Girl: So, what's it like being a hero?
Jonah: It's freaking awesome.

Buck: Listen. As someone who also comes from a screwed up family-
Eddie: My family isn't screwed up. Just my dad.

Chimney: Claudette wasn't the first time. Other people have died on his watch under suspicious circumstances.
Buck: Okay, so maybe he's a bad paramedic.
Taylor: Or maybe he's a serial killer.

Eddie: I'm tired of being that guy. I'm going to be better.
Ramon: For Christopher?
Eddie: For myself.
Ramon: Maybe we can both be better. I don't want to miss out on any more of my son's life.
Eddie: I'd like that.

Hen: Why are you doing this, Jonah?
Jonah: I guess the easiest answer is because I can.

Chimney: You're always right. That's kind of our schtick. You're the genius, and I'm the comic relief.
Hen: You're so much more than that. You're the best friend I've ever had, Chim. And I can't imagine my life without you.
Chimney: And you're never gonna have to.

9-1-1 Season 5 Episode 17 Quotes

Buck: Listen. As someone who also comes from a screwed up family-
Eddie: My family isn't screwed up. Just my dad.

Girl: So, what's it like being a hero?
Jonah: It's freaking awesome.