Diana: Timothy, we need to prove to The Congregation that their cruel and antiquated laws are the reason that creatures are suffering. This page will complete The Book of Life, make it whole again.
Weston: You don't have to explain it. I know exactly who you are. You're the one who will learn how it all began -- the blood, the death, the fear, and the one who can put a stop to it for once and for all.

Weston: Why are you helping a witch?
Agatha: The same reason that you should be, Timothy. The book is our chance to prove that demons matter, too. We have faced centuries of prejudice because no creature or human has even tried to understand us.

Diana: Where's Matthew?
Sarah: Diana, I was there for Rebecca when you came into this world; I'm here for you now. We can do this.

I looked inside Diana. She has power, but she doesn't know how to use it. Not as I can now. Everybody thinks she's the witch from the prophecy, a witch that is destined to surpass us all. [dramatic pause] But who actually is that witch?


It must be so exhausting being you, Satu. Can't you just enjoy yourself for once?


There will be no scion. Go home.


Jack! You control the rage; the rage does not control you. Remember what we practiced. Stay in the present. Find your focus.


Miriam: New Orleans was never going to be easy. What Matthew did there, it was carnage. It ripped Marcus's family apart.
Chris: But you can't choose your family, right?
Miriam: Well, that's not strictly true for vampires. You just have to live with your choices for a long time.

Matthew: I believe that we should live with truth and hope, not fear.
Ransom: Pretty words, the last thing we need.
Matthew: Tell me what you do need.
Ransom: Remorse, Matthew! If I could just believe for one second that you comprehend what we lost.
Matthew: I am sorry for what happened
Ransom: NO!! It didn't happen to us! It was done to us! Now, if you can't understand that.
Matthew: Malachi Smith. Friendly, big smile. He was walking down Bourbon Street. He stopped for a cigarette, and I killed him. Suzette Boudreaux. Beautiful blonde hair. Spoke immaculate French. I pretended to be lost. She gave me directions. And I killed her. Sun Gren LaChalet. She would often visit the San Luis Cemetery. Someone she cared about was laid to rest there. And on a rainy Sunday afternoon, that's where I killed her.

Matthew: Marcus, I deeply regret what I did her. I'm sorry.
Marcus: Thank you.

Diana: So, Father. Who do you trust with the book? A member of The Congregation or a member of your own flock?
Hubbard: I need to know that my flock will not be collateral damage in this struggle the de Clermonts are engaged with. Can you give me that?
Diana: No. But I can promise you this -- if we lose, any chance we creatures had to live in peace will be gone, and there will be reason for Knox or Gebert to keep up the pretense that we are all equal. They're already using The Covenant to divide us.

Marcus: Matthew is trying to find another way, and that starts with a cure to blood rage. You can help us figure out why you and I aren't afflicted. You can't change what's already happened.
Ransom: But he can own it, Marcus! Just by being here, he's opening wounds that have barely had a chance to heal. I'm glad Matthew's found his conscience, but I can't help thinkin' it's a couple centuries too late.

A Discovery of Witches Quotes

I'm still not comfortable around magic, especially after what happened to my parents. I still find it... I just find it difficult.


Once the world was full of wonders, but it belongs to humans now. We, creatures, have all but disappeared. Demons, vampires, and witches hiding in plain sight, fearful of discovery, ill at ease even with each other. But, as my father used to say, in every ending, there is a new beginning.
