Claire: I’m having an affair. I’m having an affair. I’m having an affair.
Matt: What?
Claire: I’m sleeping with my student.

Female investigator: Eric, has Ms. Wilson ever been inappropriate with you?
Eric: No.
Male investigator: It sounds weird when she says it that way. Have you ever fooled around or anything like that?
Sandra: Are you saying that…
Male investigator: I totally get it. She’s an attractive lady. I can see how maybe things could get a little confusing.
Eric: What’s confusing? Nothing’s confusing.
Female investigator: The school was notified this morning. A report’s been filed. We know the whole story. We know you guys went away together this weekend.
Sandra: Oh my god. Sweetheart.
Male investigator: The most important thing right now is for you to tell the truth because it’s gonna be easier on Claire and everyone else if we know the real story. Lying isn’t going to help her, or you.

Matt: It’s with her student. It’s with some kid she’s been tutoring.
Nate: Who told you that?
Matt: She did. Yeah.
Nate: Does anyone else know?
Matt: Yes. She told another teacher.
Nate: All right. If he doesn’t confirm it, and it was consensual, they most likely won’t press charges, you know?
Matt: What do I do, Nate?

I need to see you. The police came to my house today. They… I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know what to do. They said that they knew everything. Look, can we meet? Please, Claire, please, can we meet? I just I don’t know what to do.


Matt: Claire, I want to save this.
Claire: How can you even look at me?
Matt: Because I love you.
Claire: I messed everything up.
Matt: Yeah, you fucked up. You fucked up real bad, and I’m so fucking mad at you. But this is 10 years, Claire, and I do not want to lose you, OK?

Logan: You’re gonna be like a legend, like a fucking god, dude.
Eric: Don’t say that, man. The fucking cops came to my house in front of my mom. I don’t know what’s going to happen to her.
Logan: That’s not your problem. She’s an adult. She’s like 30, right? It’s on her. You didn’t do anything wrong.
Eric: She’s under investigation because of me. She won’t talk to me. She won’t pick up the phone.
Josh: I mean, she’s probably busy with her husband. Like fuck, dude, she’s got a fucking husband. Fuck.
Logan: Eric, look, I get it, all right. I do. Like you probably really, really like her, but she’s been having sex with her high school student. It’s like, she’s got issues, man.
Eric: You guys don’t get it.

Eric: I am so, so sorry. I don’t know why I told them. I should have lied.
Claire: It’s OK. They would have found out anyway.
Eric: I’m so sorry. Claire, say something. Please.
Claire: I’m scared. I’m really, really scared.
Eric: We can just go. Just leave, now. Just drive, you know? I can’t be without you.
Claire: That’s crazy.
Eric: No, it’s not. Look, we’re good together. We are. Look me in the eye, and tell me you don’t want to do this. Please, look, we can figure it out. We’re good together. We’re good.
Claire: This is fucking crazy. Just drive off, now?
Eric: Yeah. Just, I love you.

Claire: I was a good teacher, right?
Eric: The best teacher.
Claire: Oh well. That’s that.
Eric: Hey, you’re so fucking beautiful, and you chose me.
Claire: My entire life, gone, for you.

A Teacher Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Female investigator: Eric, has Ms. Wilson ever been inappropriate with you?
Eric: No.
Male investigator: It sounds weird when she says it that way. Have you ever fooled around or anything like that?
Sandra: Are you saying that…
Male investigator: I totally get it. She’s an attractive lady. I can see how maybe things could get a little confusing.
Eric: What’s confusing? Nothing’s confusing.
Female investigator: The school was notified this morning. A report’s been filed. We know the whole story. We know you guys went away together this weekend.
Sandra: Oh my god. Sweetheart.
Male investigator: The most important thing right now is for you to tell the truth because it’s gonna be easier on Claire and everyone else if we know the real story. Lying isn’t going to help her, or you.

Claire: I’m having an affair. I’m having an affair. I’m having an affair.
Matt: What?
Claire: I’m sleeping with my student.